There is increased recognition of the importance of children learning how to regulate emotions in a functional and adaptive manner for healthy psychological development. However, there is a paucity of tools for assessing emotion regulation during the middle childhood and adolescent years. This study ...
However, the latest neuroscientific research has confirmed the powerful role of emotions on children's cognitive mastery, indicating that emotions can either facilitate or impede children's learning process. These research findings point to the critical role of emotion regulation on young children's ...
Children completed the Questionnaire for the Measurement of Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents (FEEL-KJ; Grob and Smolenski, 2005), which captures the use of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies for anxiety, anger, and sadness. This German-language questionnaire consists of...
The ability to regulate negative emotions plays a central role in children's psychosocial (mal-)adjustment. As different contextual demands require the utilization of different strategies, the development of a large and diverse repertoire of emotion regulation (ER) strategies is an important ...
In this article, the authors review basic conceptual issues in research on children's emotion-related self-regulation, including the differentiation between self-regulation that is effortful and voluntary and control-related processes that are less amenable to effortful control. In addition, the author...
This study investigated the development of emotion regulation strategies as reflected in the narratives of children between the ages of 3 and 6years. An experimental procedure based on story completion tasks was devised to elicit the emotion-related narratives of 69 preschool children. Coding of the...
Child maltreatment, emotion regulation, and posttraumatic stress: the impact of emotional abuse. J Aggress Maltreat Trauma. 2010;19. Cicchetti D, Rogosch FA. Adaptive coping under conditions of extreme stress: Multilevel influences on the determinants of resilience in maltreated children. New Dir ...
Emotion Regulation in Early Childhood完整版资料 EmotionRegulationinEarlyChildhood:ABuildingBlocktoSuccess Background SelfRegulation❖EssentialforadaptiveandindependentfunctioningEmotionregulation❖Includesemotionallability,flexibility,andcontextualresponse Alink,Cicchetti,Kim,&Rogosch,2009;Kopp,1989;Thompson&Goodvin,...
The aim of this study was to examine the unique contribution of two aspects of emotion regulation (awareness and coping) to the development of internalizing problems in 11-year-old high-functioning children with an autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) and a control group, and the moderating effect ... Effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies For each item on use of reappraisal, suppression, and avoidance with a rating of 1 or higher, children rated subjective effectiveness by judging if the use of this strategy led to either an increase, no change, or a decrease (coded as ...