Feeling too much is a hell of a lot better than feeling nothing. — Nora Roberts 53 You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control your that means everyone...
An easy call, most people say: ___ the loss of life — a “utillitarian” (功利主义的) goal as philosopher put it — is the thing to do. But suppose the only way to save the five people is to push someone else onto the track — a ___ whose body will bring...
AEnemyController * EnemyController = Cast<AEnemyController>(OwnerComp.GetAIOwner()); AShinbi* character = Cast<AShinbi>(GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()); EnemyController->AIBlackboard->SetValueAsObject("Target", character); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("target is set!"...
The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions A long tradition, stretching from classical philosophy to the present, views passion as the enemy of reason. Certainly emotion can lead to rash action, but admonitions to rise above our animal passions and substitute logic for emotion tu... GL Clore ...
vision of applications that generate their logic on the fly with the power of artificial intelligence is possible. Arriving to a full implementation would require much more work. But I guess that in 5 to 10 years we can get there. (Here a link to get the joke about the 5 to 10 years...
Indeed, Humphrey (2008) coined the term “leading with emotional labor” to reflect this critical function of a leader as an active manager of follower emotion. Yet, rather surprisingly, the literature is fairly scant in this domain with very few studies focusing on specific behaviors leaders ...
Life comes and goes but it never stays for too long, truth is it is a momentary experience. We only have control of the now and I mean only now. Not yesterday nor tomorrow, not even a split of a second ago.Our window of control is limited, but never gone as such. ...
Who those others are-whether human or robot-is to be speculated. As with the laws of emotion, and particularly that of the cognitive-emotional theory on Appraisal, a reality in which robots experience their own emotions, may not be as rosy as would be expected. Keywords: emotions; robots;...