《情绪聚焦疗法Emotion-focused Therapy》作者:【加】莱斯利.s.格林伯榱译者:周洪超 陈慧出版社:@中国纺织出版社有限公司@玫瑰吃了狐狸如何做好情绪管理,一直是心理健康领域的研究课题。很多人都会把情绪管理误认为是让负面情绪不要出现,但其实情绪管理的含义远远不止如此。要想真正了解情绪管理,甚至做好情绪管理,这是...
Emotion-focused therapy for eating disorders: enhancing emotional processingCurrent literature highlights the importance of emIryna IvanovaJeanne WatsonPerson-centered and experiential psychotherapies: Zeitschrift des Weltverbandes fu?r Personzenrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapie und Beratung...
Emotion-Focused Therapy, and Buruli Ulcers Podcast Episode 2023 50m YOUR RATING RateAdd a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit Release date June 4, 2023 (United Kingdom) See more company credits at IMDbPr...
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy (EFT) for PMDD patients. Methods A total of 48 PMDD women, in the age range of 18–44 years, were randomly assigned to two intervention and control groups. The intervention group participated in 16 weeks of EFT ...
情绪聚焦使得治疗师和来访者都要直接关注这样一些策略,促进知觉、接纳、表达、利用、调节和转换情绪的策略,以及在治疗师的帮助下矫正情绪体验的策略。治疗目标为增强自我、调节情绪和创造新的意义。 情绪聚焦治疗的理论前提是针对传统的心理治疗过度强调意识理解以及认知和行为改变,而忽略情绪改变在治疗过程中的核心功能。
情绪聚焦疗法(Emotion-Focused Therapy,EFT)靠谱吗?它是否有足够的实证/实验支持?理论构建是否清晰明确...
EFT轻疗愈情绪释放敲击疗法 EFT轻疗愈情绪释放敲击疗法(以下简称EFT轻疗愈)是一套结合东方经络穴位按摩及...
Dynamic Emotion Focused Therapy (DEFT) Institute was founded in 2012 by Susan Warren Warshow to train and nurture psychotherapists. DEFT is a shame-sensitive, compassion-centered approach.
5.2 Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) Like CBCT EFT aims to change the couple's interaction. In EFT it is asserted that negative couple interaction often is driven by the partners' internal emotions, which often result from insecure attachment. For example, a high fear of abandonment might lead on...
With emotion-focused mindfulness therapy (EFMT), we are exploring integrating mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) into the process-experiential (PE)/emotion-focused therapy approach, oriented to its neo-humanist principles, emotion theory, and dialectical constructivist epistemology. Both MBIs and EF...