Intermittent theta burst stimulation over the left prefrontal cortex: no additional effect for virtual reality exposure therapy in acrophobia—a randomized trial L. M. Cybinski , B. Bohmeier & M. J. Herrmann Article 26 November 2024 | Open Access Characterising the anxiogenic network from ...
Given that participants may live anywhere in the United States, it will not be possible to provide them with direct referrals for therapy or medical care. However, study staff will provide resources for identifying a local provider or other support services, based on national recommendations (e.g...
For the threatening emotions such as anger and fear33 played an important role in self-regulation, the current study focused on the time course of implicitly regulating threatening emotions. According to the implicit emotion regulation researches using priming technique, we hypothesized that the ...
Of course I’m writing this based on what I’m experiencing, but if you’re not an NPC and you’re reading this, then it applies equally well to you. And there’s no reason you should believe there’s a fully simulated consciousness here (me) if the only thing you’re experiencing ...
G-ERP may be more important for concurrent treatments of co-occurring disorders. However, the progress elicited by focusing on G-ERP may not be direct enough to improve SUD outcomes sufficiently as quickly as focusing on DS-ERP. This hypothesis remains largely untested in the literature, but it...
For decades, clinicians and researchers have recognized that borderline personality disorder (BPD) and substance use disorders (SUDs) are often diagnosed within the same person (e.g., (Gunderson JG. Borderline personality disorder: A clinical guide. Wash
The prosody features usually focused on fundamental frequency (F0), speaking rate, duration, and intensity, are not able to confidently differentiate angry and happy emotions from each other [42]. Voice quality features are usually dominant in the detection of emotions of the same speaker. Still,...