Emory University-Oxford College is an above-average private college located in Oxford, Georgia in the Atlanta Area. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 1,048 undergraduate students. Admissions is competitive as the Emory University-Oxford College acceptance rate is 15%. The only major...
From Emory University Emory University is a private research university in the state of Georgia. Featuring two campuses, one in the heart of Atlanta and another 40 minutes outside of the city in the town of Oxford, Emory has a vibrant community ideal for fostering knowledge and new ideas. Th...
Emory MSCS项目要求学生修够30个学分就能毕业,通常修够这30个学分需要两年也就是四个学期,但如果你足...
Oxford College of Emory University Faculty 10 to 1 Student to Faculty 94% Full Time Teachers Student to Faculty Ratio At Oxford College, the student to faculty ratio is an excellent 10 to 1. That's much better than the national average of 15 to 1. This indicates that many classes ...
一、大学介绍 Emory的综合排名还算比较ok的,差不多一直都在20名左右,比较稳定,在国内也有一定的认可...
From Emory University Emory University is a private research university in the state of Georgia. Featuring two campuses, one in the heart of Atlanta and another 40 minutes outside of the city in the town of Oxford, Emory has a vibrant community ideal for fostering knowledge and new ideas. Th...
埃默里大学的前身埃默里学院由美以美教会于1836年创立于佐治亚州中北部,学校的创始人们以自己的母校牛津(Oxford)命名了当地,也用一位富有教育理想的已故主教(John Emory)的姓氏命名了学校。这所小学校经历了美国内战的洗礼和种种风雨,但最终于十九世纪末期茁壮成长起来。在1880年,因为时任校长海伍德(Atticus Greene Hay...
The Oxford College of Emory University, located in Oxford, Georgia, enrolls about 700 students. Students at Oxford traditionally complete their first two years of their degree at Oxford and then continue at the College of Arts and Sciences (located on the Atlanta campus) to complete their ...
000 undergraduate students, a diverse, energetic learning environment at the center of the university's educational and research initiatives. The Oxford College campus has approximately 1,000 undergraduates, evenly split between first and second-year students, an intimate setting typical of a small ...
埃默里大学牛津学院 Oxford College of Emory University,是一所Private学校,位于美国南部的Oxford,位列USNews。埃默里大学牛津学院最受欢迎专业