困扰confused face 担心worried face 微微不满slightly frowning face ☹️不满frowning face 吃惊face with open mouth 缄默hushed face 震惊astonished face 脸红flushed face 恳求的脸pleading face 啊frowning face with open mouth 极度痛苦anguished face 害怕fearful face 冷汗anxious face with sweat 失望但如释...
😟:worried: 😦:frowning: 😧:anguished: 😮:open_mouth: 😬:grimacing: 😕:confused: 😯:hushed: 😑:expressionless: 😒:unamused: 😅:sweat_smile: 😓:sweat: 😥:disappointed_relieved: 😩:weary: 😔:pensive: 😞:disappointed: 😖:confounded: 😨:fearful: 😰:cold_sweat: ...
😟 :worried: 😦 :frowning: 💨 :dash: 💦 :sweat_drops: 🙆♀ :ok_woman: 🙅 :no_good: 👶 :baby: 👵 :older_woman: 💢 :anger: ❗ :exclamation: ❔ :grey_question: 💤 :zzz: ✌ :v: 👋 :wave: ✋ :hand: 👨 :man: 🙌 :raised_hands: 🙏 :pray: 😲 ...
:smirk::heart_eyes::kissing_heart: :kissing_closed_eyes::flushed::relieved: :satisfied::grin::wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning: :kissing::kissing_smiling_eyes::stuck_out_tongue: :sleeping::worried::frowning::anguished::open_mouth::grimacing::confuse...
😟worried-3 👎-1; thumbsdown-2 😰cold_sweat-2 😖confounded-2 😕confused-2 😢cry-2 😿crying_cat_face-2 😞disappointed-2 🤕face_with_head_bandage-2 😨fearful-2 😳flushed-2 ☹️frowning_face-2 😬grimacing-2
top 😕 :confused: 😟 :worried: top top 🙁 :slightly_frowning_face: ☹️ :frowning_face: top top 😮 :open_mouth: 😯 :hushed: top top 😲 :astonished: 😳 :flushed: top top 🥺 :pleading_face: 😦 :frowning: top top 😧 :anguished: 😨 :fearful: top top 😰 :cold...
😕 :confused: 🫤 :diagonal-mouth: 😟 :worried: 🙁 :slightly-frowning: ☹️ :frowning: 😮 :open-mouth: 😯 :hushed: 😲 :astonished: 😳 :flushed: 🥺 :pleading: 🥹 :holding-back-tears: 😦 :frowning-open-mouth: 😧 :anguished: 😨 :fearful: 😰 :anxious-sweat: ...
😕confused face 😢crying face 😞disappointed face 😰anxious face with sweat 😦frowning face with open mouth 😭loudly crying face 🤥lying face 🙍person frowning 🙂slightly smiling face 😒unamused face 🙃upside-down face ☹frowning face 😟worried face 🙁...
😴 :sleeping: 😟 :worried: 😦 :frowning: 😧 :anguished: 😮 :open_mouth: 😬 :grimacing: 😕 :confused: 😯 :hushed: 😑 :expressionless: 😒 :unamused: 😅 :sweat_smile: 😓 :sweat: 😥 :disappointed_relieved: 😩 :weary: 😔 :pensive: 😞 :disappointed: 😖 :confoun...
People 😄 :smile:😆 :laughing:😫 :tired_face: 😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed: