🤨 Face with a raised eyebrow A look of doubt or skepticism is often used when something doesn’t add up. 🤯 Exploding head They are used to show extreme shock or when something mind-blowing happens. 😴 Sleeping face It symbolizes exhaustion, or sometimes boredom, in response to a sit...
Meaning 🥺 emoji: The pleading face emoji 🥺 features large, wide-open eyes with a slight frown, often associated with looking sad or longing.
Face With Raised Eyebrow, colbert, the rock. Unicode名称Face With One Eyebrow Raised Unicode编号 HTML代码 CSS代码 飞机1 多文種補充平面 Unicode 块补充符号和象形文字 Unicode 子块表情臉 Unicode版本10.0 (2017) 表情符号版本5.0 (2017) 表情符号类别笑脸与情感 ...
🧐Meaning and Description A yellow face with a monocle over its right eye👀. The eye beneath the monocle is wide open, symbolizing intense focus or interest. Complementing this, the other eye is slightly narrowed with a raised eyebrow, indicating a questioning or scrutinizing demeanor. ...
😐️Meaning and Description This emoji depicts a simple, round, yellow face with two small circular eyes and a straight, thin horizontal line for a mouth. The overall appearance of this emoji conveys a sense of neutrality, indifference, or lack of strong emotion. 😐️ first graced ...
Open Mailbox with Lowered Flag Sun Behind Rain Cloud Five-Thirty Thread Shuffle Tracks Button Black Flag Flag: Vanuatu Pen Man Cook Notebook Fountain Pen Face with Raised Eyebrow Clinking Beer Mugs Please share!FacebookTwitterGooglePinterestLinkedInWhatsApp...
Bad for: Friends and family, people you want to build rapport with. 🤨 Raised Eyebrow Emoji “When you hear someone say they don’t like pizza.” A healthy dose of skepticism with a side of “Really, now?” This emoji is the digital equivalent of a single raised eyebrow, perfect for...
😧Meaning and Description This emoji, with its round yellow face and wide-open mouth, is a universal symbol of astonishment. Its eyebrows are raised, its eyes are wide open, and the corners of its mouth are slightly drawn down, giving it an expression of shock or disappointment. 😧 ...
Face With Raised Eyebrow 🫰 Hand With Index Finger And Thumb Crossed 🫦 Biting Lip 😉 Winking Face ️🔥 Heart On Fire 🏆 Trophy 🔪Emoji Support and Compatibility Google Android 4.3 Microsoft Windows 8.0 🔪Image History ...
EmojiMeaningCopy and Paste 🤔Thinking faceCopy 🤫Shushing faceCopy 🧐Face with monocleCopy 😕Confused faceCopy 🤨Face with raised eyebrowCopy 😏Smirking faceCopy 😑Expressionless faceCopy 🫤Face with diagonal mouthCopy 🙄Face with rolling eyesCopy ...