🥰 微笑的臉,和☺️微笑表情相似,臉上有玫瑰色的的紅暈和三個環繞的愛心 。 🥰可以表示幸福,開心,羞澀的心情,也可以表示對某個人或某件事的喜歡,還可以表示戀愛💞中的狀態。相關emoji:😚😊😇
GitHub Flavored Markdown今天研究了一天Markdown移动端和pc端统一实现方式,由于以前有搞过移动端富文本编辑器,搞Markdown简单多了; 其中GFM的表情语法不错,比如笑脸:smile:,准备采用一下。又想到了手机输入法输入表情浏览器页面接收到的是一个字符,如果能转换成:smile:就更能统一表现了,就像微信Android怎么输入输入法...
表情符号, 表情符号, 眼睛, 快乐, 心, 恋爱中, 微笑图标(Emoji, emoticon, eyes, happy, heart, in love, smile icon) 表情线涂鸦图标集(Emoji Line Doodle icon set) 27款 表情符号, 表情符号, 快乐, 微笑图标(Emoji, emoticon, happy, smile icon) ...
将下面的表情对应的代码输入到MarkDown文章里面即可插入表情 如:输入:smile:会显示😄 下面有5种分类,且内容有点多,篇幅较长,可在在最上方的目录选择跳转到指定分类 注意:MarkDown中的表情代码是由:表情代码:组成的不要漏掉了左右两边的:!!! 1.people 😄:smile: 😆:laughing: 😊:blush: 😃:smiley: ...
you’re a man or a woman of few words, and you hate getting mushy, telling someone that you love them through a ️ Red Heartemoji or a💛 Yellow Heartemoji with a cute smile emoji is a sweet way to show someone you love and appreciate them without making things icky and awkward...
😋 happy,joy,tongue,smile,face,silly,yummy,nom,delicious,savouring 😌 face,relaxed,phew,massage,happiness 😍 face,love,like,affection,valentines,infatuation,crush,heart 🥰 face,love,like,affection,valentines,infatuation,crush,hearts,adore 😘 face,love,like,affection,valentines,infatuation,kiss ...
😸 :smile_cat: 😼 :smirk_cat: 🙀 :scream_cat: :neckbeard: 😫 :tired_face: 😧 :anguished: 😮 :open_mouth: 😒 :unamused: 😅 :sweat_smile: 💓 :heartbeat: 💗 :heartpulse: 😯 :hushed: 😑 :expressionless: 😎 :sunglasses: 😵 :dizzy_face: 😐 :neutral_face: 😶...
This charming emoji features a beaming yellow face, surrounded by three or more floating red hearts . The hearts are pink🩷 on the platform of Microsoft. The S
People 效果 代号 效果 代号 :bowtie: 👎 :-1: 😄 :smile: 👎 :thumbsdown: 😆 :laughing: 👌 :ok_hand: 😊 :blush: 👊 :punch: 😃 :smiley: 👊 :facepunch: ☺️ :relaxed: ✊ :fist: 😏 :smirk: ✌️ :v: 😍 :heart_eyes: 👋 :wave: