negative squared cross mark ❎ heavy exclamation mark symbol ❗ exclamation question mark ⁉ double exclamation mark ‼ black question mark ornament ❓ white question mark ornament ❔ white exclamation mark ornament ❕ wavy dash 〰 curly loop ➰ double curly loop - heavy black heart ...
方法四:输入表情代码插入 将下面的表情对应的代码输入到MarkDown文章里面即可插入表情 如:输入:smile:会显示😄 下面有5种分类,且内容有点多,篇幅较长,可在在最上方的目录选择跳转到指定分类 注意:MarkDown中的表情代码是由:表情代码:组成的不要漏掉了左右两边的:!!! 1.people 😄:smile: 😆:laughing: 😊...
☑️ Check Box with Check Used to mark items on a to-do list. ✔️ Heavy Check Mark Showing a task is completed. ❌ Cross Mark Indicating a task is not completed or a mistake. ❎ Cross Mark Button Often used to indicate a mistake. ➰ Curly Loop Symbolizing infinity or con...
💮 :white_flower: 💯 :100: ✔️ :heavy_check_mark: ☑️ :ballot_box_with_check: 🔘 :radio_button: 🔗 :link: ➰ :curly_loop: 〰️ :wavy_dash: 〽️ :part_alternation_mark: 🔱 :trident: :black_square: :black_square: :white_square: :white_square: ✅ :white...
☑️ :ballot_box_with_check: 🔘 :radio_button: 🔗 :link: ➰ :curly_loop: 〰️ :wavy_dash: 〽️ :part_alternation_mark: 🔱 :trident: :black_square: :black_square: :white_square: :white_square: ✅ :white_check_mark: 🔲 :black_square_button: 🔳 :white_square_...
有粉丝问文件名里的图标是如何打上去的。 这些图标不但可以用在网页、聊天对话框中,还可以用在电脑的文件或文件夹命名中。可以非常清晰、明显的增加辨识度。 其实很简单,复制粘贴就行。之前收集整理了一些图标,放在了git上,【在看】【收藏】本文,或者文末 点击 【查看原文】可以直接打开链接收藏,随时使用。
‼ \203C ‼ ‼ double exclamation mark ⁉ \2049 ⁉ ⁉ exclamation question mark ™ \2122 ™ ™ trade mark sign ℹ \2139 ℹ ℹ information source ↔ \2194 ↔ ↔ left right arrow ...
饮料盒beverage box 马黛茶mate 冰块ice 餐具 筷子chopsticks ️餐具fork and knife with plate 刀叉fork and knife 匙spoon 菜刀kitchen knife 双耳瓶amphora 旅行与地理地图 地球上的欧洲非洲globe showing Europe-Africa 地球上的美洲globe showing Americas ...
💯 100 ✔ heavy_check_mark ☑ ballot_box_with_check 🔘 radio_button 🔗 link ➰ curly_loop 〰 wavy_dash 〽 part_alternation_mark 🔱 trident ◼ black_medium_square ◻ white_medium_square ◾ black_medium_small_square ◽ white_medium_small_square ▪ black_small_square ...