The image of two hands holding each other in a strong grip is the emoji symbol for a handshake. This can either represent a form of greeting, generally between men, or as a sign of agreement, for instance a deal or plan agreed upon by both sides. Handshake Emoji can mean "Hello!" or...
As you might've guessed, the nail polish emoji can be used to demonstrate a level of casualness or indifference. Some people believe it means "I'm prettier than you", or an expression of arrogance or confidence, but typically, it isn't used for any other reason than to articulate noncha...
手拉手的两个女人women holding hands 手拉手的一男一女woman and man holding hands 手拉手的一男一女: 较浅肤色中等-浅肤色woman and man holding hands: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone 手拉手的两个男人: 较深肤色中等-深肤色men holding hands: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone 手拉手...
Face with Glasses Concerned Face Negative Face Costumed Face Cat Face Monkey Face Heart Emotion People & Body Open Hand Hand Gesture Pointing Hand Fisted Hand Two Hands Hand with Prop Body Part People Gesture Profession & Role Fantasy Activity ...
🫶 Heart Hands Emoji “Sending you all my love.” When a plain old heart emoji won’t cut it, and you need to show Love with a bit of flair, whip out the 🫶. It’s like sending a hug, a high-five, and a heart all in one. This emoji is the digital equivalent of those ...
People :bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing: 😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed: 😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_e
👍 :thumbsup: 👎 :-1: 👎 :thumbsdown: 👌 :ok_hand: 👊 :punch: 👊 :facepunch: ✊ :fist: ✌️ :v: 👋 :wave: ✋ :hand: ✋ :raised_hand: 👐 :open_hands: ☝️ :point_up: 👇 :point_down: 👈 :point_left: 👉 :point_right: 🙌 :raised_hands: ...
A survey of 2,000 people conducted by Perspectus Global showed that a majority of people between the ages of 16 and 29 believe that you are “officially old” if you use thumbs-up or heart emoji. 英国研究机构Perspectus Global对2000人进行的一项调查显示,16至29岁之间的大多数人认为,如果使用...
I have been paying for the monthly unlimited subscription and the app will not let me use ANY of the stickers. I have reported this issue at least four times using the help function and have received no reply. It was a great app for the first few days then I was paying for something...
Hands down, this is the most popular heart emoji across various platforms. It’s typically used to denote love and romance. This heart also has a similar counterpart known as Heart Suit. Initially intended to represent a symbol for card games, many users became more fond of this emoji than...