符号「挥手标志」 包含在 「杂项符号和象形文字」 块的 「手形符號」 子块中,并在2010年作为Unicode版本6.0的一部分获得批准。在2015年,它还在版本1.0中被批准为表情符号,并被添加到 「人与身体」 类别的 「用手指张开手」 子类别中。 同义词 goodbye, hand wave, hello, waving. ...
The Waving Hand emoji is your go-to for saying hi or bye. Use it to express a warm welcome or bid farewell with a friendly vibe. 🤚 - Raised Back of Hand Casual Gesture! The Raised Back of Hand emoji signifies a nonchalant attitude. Use it to convey a laid-back mood or showcase...
The "Waving Hand" emoji (👋) is a pictographic representation of a human hand waving, typically used to signal greetings, goodbyes, or to acknowledge s
👋🏿 Waving Hand: Dark Skin Tone U+1f44bU+1f3ff 复制 👌 OK U+1f44c 复制 👌🏻 OK Hand: Light Skin Tone U+1f44cU+1f3fb 复制 👌🏼 OK Hand: Medium-Light Skin Tone U+1f44cU+1f3fc 复制 👌🏽 OK Hand: Medium Skin Tone U+1f44cU+1f3fd 复制 👌🏾 OK Hand: Med...
Waving Hand: Medium-Dark Skin ToneU+1f44bU+1f3fe 👋🏿 Waving Hand: Dark Skin ToneU+1f44bU+1f3ff 👌 OKU+1f44c 👌🏻 OK Hand: Light Skin ToneU+1f44cU+1f3fb 👌🏼 OK Hand: Medium-Light Skin ToneU+1f44cU+1f3fc
You’re trying to catch someone’s attention, but that’s nearly impossible through text. You can’t call out their name and hope they hear you, so all you have is text and emojis. Keep sending your friend the waving hand sign emoji to indicate you want
This emoji shows a human hand in a waving motion emphasized by motion lines on both sides of this emoji. This is the default yellow emoji skin color.
👋👋🏻👋🏼👋🏽👋🏾👋🏿🖐️🖖🤚🫱🫲🫳🫴🫷🫸✋ 意思 Apple挥手标志 Google挥手手势 Twitter挥手 Unicode挥手 同义词你好、再见、嗨、手、摇动和身体 类别笑脸与人物| 手指打开 标签手的表情符号 图像 emojiunicode意思多样的肤色 ...
Or what about the smiling face with a waving hand? (3) EBut actually,Chinese people use this emoji to show that they don't want to talk to someone—the hand is waving "goodbye",as in "never talk to me again". (4) DOne of my favorite emojis is the "cry-la...
Hand emoji meaning Here’s a table containing some of the most popular WhatsApp hand emojis and their meaning: Emoji Name Meaning 👍 Thumbs up This is a simple, universal symbol for agreement or approval. It is often used to say “great” or “all good.” 👋 Waving hand This emoji ...