前段时间,全球最大输入法公司 Kika 在北京发布最新的大数据报告《Emoji,新世界语的崛起》对不同国家和地区的移动互联网用户的 Emoji 使用行为进行了研究,结果显示“笑哭”稳居全球最受欢迎的表情符号之首。 这个表情的学名叫“喜极而泣(Face with Tears of Joy)”,被牛津辞典评为了 2015 年年度单词;在 Facebook...
苦笑grinning face with sweat 笑得满地打滚rolling on the floor laughing 笑哭了face with tears of joy 呵呵slightly smiling face 倒脸upside-down face 眨眼winking face 羞涩微笑smiling face with smiling eyes 微笑天使smiling face with halo 爱慕表情 喜笑颜开smiling face with hearts 花痴smiling face with...
The smiling emoji with a sweat droplet is typically used to express a close call -- while the sweat depicts a level of discomfort, the smile alludes to someone who's thinking, "Phew! That could've been bad." For instance, if your coworker emails you moments before a meeting with an ...
近日,全球最大输入法公司Kika在北京发布最新的大数据报告《Emoji,新世界语的崛起》对不同国家和地区的移动互联网用户的Emoji使用行为进行了研究,结果显示“笑哭”稳居全球最受欢迎的表情符号之首。 这个表情的学名叫“喜极而泣(Face with Tears of Joy)”,被牛津辞典评为了 2015 年年度单词;在 Facebook 公布的 2...
😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing: 😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed: 😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart: 😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved: 😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink: 😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_...
😹cat with tears of joy 😢crying face 😀grinning face 🤩star-struck red heart 😭loudly crying face 🤣rolling on the floor laughing 💀skull ☠skull and crossbones 😍smiling face with heart-eyes 😅grinning face with sweat 😆grinning squinting face 🤧sneezing...
The 😅 emoji expertly captures the awkward charm of a generation. Adorned with a vibrant, yellow face, a broad, open-mouthed smile, and the signature bead of swe
😓 :sweat: 😔 :pensive: 😣 :persevere: 😢 :cry: 😭 :sob: :trollface: 👌 :ok_hand: 👊 :punch: 👫 :couple: 👪 :family: 😆 :laughing: 😊 :blush: 💥 :boom: 💥 :collision: 👊 :facepunch: ✊ :fist: 🏃 :runner: 🏃 :running: 😃 :smiley: ☺ :relaxed...
😅:sweat_smile: 😓:sweat: 😥:disappointed_relieved: 😩:weary: 😔:pensive: 😞:disappointed: 😖:confounded: 😨:fearful: 😰:cold_sweat: 😣:persevere: 😢:cry: 😭:sob: 😂:joy: 😲:astonished: 😱:scream: 😫:tired_face: ...
🤒face_with_thermometer-1 👊fist_oncoming; facepunch; punch-1 😦frowning-1 👻ghost-1 😯hushed-1 😷mask-1 🤓nerd_face-1 😔pensive-1 🙄roll_eyes-1 🙁slightly_frowning_face-1 😜stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye-1 😓sweat-1 ...