That’s because the Red Heart is the vanilla ice cream of heart emojis. It’s basic but gets the job done. Best for: If you can’t think of anything else to send but want to show affection. Bad for: Eh, not much. It’s hard to go wrong with vanilla. ✅ Yes, Correct Emoji ...
This is a face turned blue, with teeth clenched, and ice scum or snowflakes on the face, which means shivering with cold. It can express feelings of coldness, as well as many inner feelings, such as chills, cold jokes, unapproachable or unpopularity. Related to him is 🥵❄️🧊. ...
👰 :bride_with_veil: 👦 :boy: :godmode: :hurtrealbad: 👧 :girl: 👩 :woman: 😺 :smiley_cat: 😸 :smile_cat: 😼 :smirk_cat: 🙀 :scream_cat: :neckbeard: 😫 :tired_face: 😧 :anguished: 😮 :open_mouth: 😒 :unamused: 😅 :sweat_smile: 💓 :heartbeat: 💗 ...
🍤 :fried-shrimp: 🍥 :fish-cake-with-swirl: 🥮 :moon-cake: 🍡 :dango: 🥟 :dumpling: 🥠 :fortune-cookie: 🥡 :takeout-box: Sweets & Desserts 🍦 :soft-ice-cream: 🍧 :shaved-ice: 🍨 :ice-cream: 🍩 :doughnut: 🍪 :cookie: 🎂 :birthday-cake: 🍰 :shortcake: ...
soft ice cream 🍦 french fries 🍟 dango 🍡 rice cracker 🍘 cooked rice 🍚 spaghetti 🍝 curry and rice 🍛 oden 🍢 sushi 🍣 bento box 🍱 pot of food 🍲 shaved ice 🍧 meat on bone 🍖 fish cake with swirl design 🍥 roasted sweet potato 🍠 slice of pizza 🍕 poul...
🌞:sun_with_face: 🌝:full_moon_with_face: 🌚:new_moon_with_face: 🌑:new_moon: 🌒:waxing_crescent_moon: 🌓:first_quarter_moon: 🌔:waxing_gibbous_moon: 🌕:full_moon: 🌖:waning_gibbous_moon: 🌗:last_quarter_moon: ...
:hot_face: 🥵 :hot_pepper: 🌶️ :hotdog: 🌭 :hotel: 🏨 :hotsprings: ♨️ :hourglass: ⌛ :hourglass_flowing_sand: ⏳ :house: 🏠 :house_with_garden: 🏡 :houses: 🏘️ :hugs: 🤗 :hungary: 🇭🇺 :hushed: 😯 :ice_cream: 🍨 :ice_cube: 🧊 :ice_hockey...
全国冰淇淋月,全国冰淇淋日National Ice Cream Month ,National Ice Cream Day 说到盛夏之时最能给人带来愉悦感受的节日,莫过于冰淇淋月和冰淇淋日了。美国人不仅把7月定为冰淇淋月,还特别将7月的第三个星期日(今年是7月16日)设定为冰淇淋日。这个节日是1984年由当时的美国总统罗纳德·里根宣布的,至今已近...
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