The 😂 emoji, also known as the "Face with Tears of Joy", "Laughing Crying Face", or "LOL Face", represents an expression of intense amusement. It conveys a sense of laughter so strong that it brings tears to the eyes. The 😂 emoji's appeal stems from its ability to perfectly ...
00后表示很嫌弃…… “笑哭(Tears of Joy)”表情包自诞生以来就一直深受全球网友追捧,这张“又哭又笑”的脸上仿佛有着无尽的含义,在很多聊天场合打出一张“笑哭”脸都毫不违和。它甚至打败众多流行语,当选《牛津词典》2015年度词汇。 "Face with Tears of Joy," the official name for the laughing crying ...
前段时间,全球最大输入法公司 Kika 在北京发布最新的大数据报告《Emoji,新世界语的崛起》对不同国家和地区的移动互联网用户的 Emoji 使用行为进行了研究,结果显示“笑哭”稳居全球最受欢迎的表情符号之首。 这个表情的学名叫“喜极而泣(Face with Tears of Joy)”,被牛津辞典评为了 2015 年年度单词;在 Facebook...
×:哭笑不得 √:喜极而泣(Face With Tears of Joy),俗称笑cry 一个蝉联了好几届《牛津词典》年度词汇的神奇emoji!用错了就真·笑cry了! “笑哭”还有一个类似的表情—— 笑得在地上打滚(Rolling on the Floor Laughing)! 拜托拜托 or 祈福?错啦! ×:拜托or祈福 √:击掌(High Five) 这个手势叫作Folde...
Tears of Joy 笑哭 喜极而泣 ️Red Heart 红色爱心 Rolling on the Floor Laughing 笑倒在地 Thumbs Up 赞 Loudly Crying 大哭 Prayers 双手合十 Blowing a Kiss 爱心吻 Smiling Emoji with Hearts爱的微笑 Heart Eyes 双眼爱心 Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes 娇羞的微笑 ...
Tears of Joy continued to be one of the most popular emoji used worldwide in 2021, according to the Unicode Consortium's list of the top emoji...
😢crying face 😂face with tears of joy 😸grinning cat with smiling eyes 😽kissing cat 😭loudly crying face 😾pouting cat 🤣rolling on the floor laughing 😻smiling cat with heart-eyes 😺grinning cat 🙀weary cat 😹...
Loudly Crying Face 大哭脸 Sleepy Face [ˈslipi] 困倦脸 一个个Emoji表情英文 相信比小韦聪明的宝宝们都肯定都学会了! 可是问题又来了 这些Emoji表情全都堆在一起 在不同环境下 又是神马意思呀? ▼ Emoji表情内涵 Face with Tears of Joy 刚刚已经告诉大家这个表情表示"笑哭"(偷偷告诉你我用得不是很多...
Where does 😂 Face With Tears of Joy emoji come from? While officially named face with tears of joy, people commonly refer to it as the crying laughing, laugh cry, laughing tears, LOL, or simply the laughing emoji or face. Face with tears of joy was included as part of Unicode 6.0...
Looking at a singular platform, however, might tell a slightly different story. According to data obtained from Twitter, tears of joy was the most tweeted emoji in 2020, but got bumped down to No. 2 this year, with the crying face taking its place. Tears of joy saw a 23 percent declin...