Shortname: check mark Apple Name: check mark Known as: Check | Tick Codepoint: U+2714 FE0F Copy 2714 - ✔ check mark FE0F - ️ VARIATION SELECTOR-16 Shortcode: :heavy_check_mark: Copy Decimal: ALT+10004 ALT+65039 Unicode Version: None Emoji Version: 1.0 (2015-06-09)...
COPY English 中文 Español العربية Português 日本語 Pусский Українська Deutsche Français On you can copy and paste emoji on desktop pc or mobile.If an emoji does not appear as it should be in the input box above, that means ...
White Heavy Check Mark Emoji Copy and paste this emoji: Copy NounSIGNCheckmarkcheckStarsCheck markgTickGreenDotGangsaaa✅cfgdfghdftestLliroululyl✔ï¸LOLPOO POOеуғкапcat✅✅âœ...
More Unicode symbols, Hieroglpyhs and Pictographs to copy and paste. ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ ★ ☆ ✯ ✡︎ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✶ ✷ ✵ ✸ ✹ → ⇒ ⟹ ⇨ ⇾ ➾ ⇢ ☛ ☞ ➔ ➜ ➙ ➛ ➝ ➞ ♠︎ ♣︎ ♥︎ ♦︎ ...
🗹Meaning and Description 🗹 is not an official Emoji, but it can be used as a Unicode character. There is another emoji with a(n) similar meaning/appearance to BALLOT BOX WITH BOLD CHECK: ✔ (check mark) | ✅ (check mark button) | 🙆 (person gesturing OK), which can be ...
This website provides the latest and complete Emoji search and related information, including Emoji meanings, use examples, Unicode codepoints, high resolution pictures, copy and paste, as well as Emoji big data rankings, vector graphics and dynamic charts, intelligent algorithms sentiment analysis, ...
👍😀😘😍😆😜😅😂Copy and paste Emoji, Japanese emoticons (~・ω・~) ヾ(゜ェ゜ゞ) ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゜ ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゜ ( ͡ຈ ͜ʖ ͡ຈ) (つ ͡°
Searchable emoji, smileys and symbols directory with meanings, pictures, typing instructions and online copy & paste keyboard for PC, mobile and the Web!
Compare how emojis look across different platforms, lookup shortcodes and technical data, get copy-and-paste emojis for social networks, and more. This list show these emojis' names and how they appear when they are used on various platforms. The right-most platform, 'native', is a plain-...
❌ :x: ❗ :heavy_exclamation_mark: ‼️ :bangbang: ⁉️ :interrobang: ⭕ :o: ✖️ :heavy_multiplication_x: ➕ :heavy_plus_sign: ➖ :heavy_minus_sign: ➗ :heavy_division_sign: :white_flower: :100: ✔️ :heavy_check_mark: ☑️ :ballot_box_with_check: ...