特别提醒的是,亚马逊云科技「生成式 AI 精英速成计划」的部分学习权益限时开放(实习岗位面试优先权截止 4 月 20 日,「直冲云霄」免试入营截止 5 月 28 日),机不可失,还未加入学习的小伙伴们,抓紧时间“上车”,即刻成为生成式 AI 时代的领先者;已经“通关”的学员可以更进一步,打开【直冲云霄考证训练营】的“...
今日导读 一想到第二天要上班上学,周日的下午就开始emo,整个人都不好了。这种情况被称之为“周日夜晚综合症”。我们不能只是把焦虑当成简单的“周日焦虑”;傻乎乎地觉得可以靠看片、泡吧来解压。换句话说,我们不能把它当成仅此一天的...
Detecting Multimedia Generated by Large AI Models: A Survey https://browse.arxiv.org/abs/2402.00045 Li Lin, Neeraj Gupta, Yue Zhang, Hainan Ren, Chun-Hao Liu, Feng Ding, Xin Wang, Xin Li, Luisa Verdoliva, Shu Hu Purdue University、南昌大学、Amazon Prime Video、University at Albany、Federico...
my grandmother’s house that my parents bought back in the 80’s, there’s no one out there. You go out there and have complete solace and peace.” I was putting it together, like, “Mother Maybelle’s house that
@amazon #happy #shopping It's #inspiring to see all these CEO's denouncing Trump's response to Charlottesville now that there's zero risk in doing so. @m00nlightjules happy birthday mamon!!! 😄 Tu me haces reir. - You make me laugh. 🤣 #laughs #friends #jaja #haha Such a...