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Desktop Pet Companion Performance and Property: Emotional Interaction Parts and Accessories: Battery Charger Features: |Buy Moxie Robot|Vicky Robot|Top Robot| **Emotional Companionship for Everyone** The livingai Vector Emo Pet is a revolutionary desktop pet that brings a touch of emotional intelligenc...
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Robot Pet Intelligence AI Artificial Remote Energy Vector Dialogue High O Technology X Electronic Pet Robot ToyCNY 3556.35/piece Buyers please note: 1.Due to the different specifications of some products, the weight and shipping charges vary greatly. Please consult the customer before purchasing, ...
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商品名称:EMOPET emo机器人智能情感AI桌面宠物机器人智能机器人支持GPT EMO+充电桩(送衣服) 商品编号:10078941080076 店铺:EMOPET小店 硬件形态:其他 联网方式:Wi-Fi 类型:机器人 包装形式:原包装 续航时间:>4小时 功能:语音控制,AI语音识别,其他 电源方式:电源适配器,充电 ...
Specifications: Brand: LivingAI Compatible Platforms: ANDROID, iOS Product Category: Tool Parts Key Features: Vector Synth, Robot Dexterity Design and Style: Modern, Sleek Performance and Property: Intelligent, Adaptive Features: **Innovative Robotryx Technology** The Vector Emo Pet Desktop Robot is ...
EMO is an AI desktop pet with distinct characters and ideas. He stays by your side. To keep you company, to surprise you, and yes, sometimes to annoy you. Just…
Emo Robot Pet Inteligente Future Ai Robot Voice Smart Robot Electronic Toy Pvc Desktop Companion Robot Anime Xmas Presents 4.0 2 ReviewsColor: Christmas Hat BProduct sellpoints Recommend Age: 14+y,Designed for teens and adults, this Emo Robot Pet is a sophisticated addition to any collection. ...