模型初始化 研究团队对指令调优的 IDEFICS2-8B 模型(Laurençon et al., 2024)进行了微调,模型的各项任务通过相应的提示进行区分。训练期间,超参数保持固定,以确保不同的持续学习轮次和系统变体之间的一致性。在进行首次互动轮次之前,团队使用 104 个成功的人类交互示例对模型进行了初始化微调,并将这些数据在后续的...
EMNLP24的会场上宣布了25年将在苏州举行,这下没理由不冲一波了! 最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award) 五个best paper中唯一的大陆团队,太强了 1. Pretraining Data Detection for Large Language Models: A Divergence-based Calibration Method 论文作者:Weichao Zhang, Ruqing Zhang, Jiafeng Guo (专委), Maarten de...
论文题目:PaperMage: A Unified Toolkit for Processing, Representing, and Manipulating Visually-Rich Scientific Documents 作者:Kyle Lo, Zejiang Shen, Benjamin Newman, Joseph Chee Chang, Russell Authur, Erin Bransom, Stefan Candra, Yoganand Chandrasekhar, Regan...
scripts webagenda README.md config.json frontmatter.md generate.py CNAME Dockerfile Gemfile LICENSE.txt README.md Rakefile _config.yml banner.js minimal-mistakes-jekyll.gemspec package.json sony_logo.png staticman.yml Breadcrumbs emnlp-2024 ...
datasets, which are the same models as reported in the paper. If you try to retrain models from scratch under the same hyper-parameter settings, you may obtain a sightly lower or higher F1 score than that reported in the paper (in our experiments we selected the model that performed best)...
EMNLP 2019 Best paper出炉,最佳论文一作华人,导师为NLP公认大神Jason Eisner。以下附上最佳论文奖、最佳论文第二名、最佳资源奖、最佳Demo奖。注意:上述获奖结果刚刚发布,今天是2019年11月07日。 EMNLP_2019 best_paper2019-11-07 上传大小:5.00MB 所需:10积分/C币 ...
https://aclanthology.org/2024.emnlp-main.992.pdf 现代大型语言模型(LLMs)如ChatGPT在一般语言任务上表现出色,但在复杂推理任务上仍存在困难,这推动了对LLMs认知行为的研究以探索类人解题策略。自我反思是一种代表性策略,但存在思维退化(DoT)问题,即一旦LLM对其解决方案建立信心,即使初始立场错误,后续也无法通过反...
Experiments show that our proposed FedID framework achieves the best results in homogeneous and heterogeneous federated scenarios. The code for this paper is available at: github.com/maxinge8698/. abstractTranslation: 围绕用户数据隐私保护的日益关注和法规要求分散的培训范例。为此,联邦学习(FL)在与用户...
The expectedhits@kmetric on 5000 test samples is listed in the table below (from Table 7 of thepaper).hits@kmeasures, for the same context, givenkpositive responses andnnegative responses, how many positive responses are in top-kof the ranked responses. ...
This is the official repository of the EMNLP 2024 paper: Enhancing Pre-Trained Generative Language Models with Question Attended Span Extraction on Machine Reading Comprehension. - lynneeai/QASE