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关于我们 帮助 自选 选股器 热力图 机构追踪 美股市场个股详情 EMN 伊士曼化工 添加自选 96.940 -0.790-0.81% 收盘价 03/06 16:00 (美东) 96.940 0.0000.00% 盘后20:01 (美东) 111.59亿总市值12.64市盈率TTM 98.070最高价96.150最低价96.15万股成交量97.500今开97.730昨收9318.59万成交额0.84%换手率12.64市盈...
美股市场个股详情 EMN 伊士曼化工 添加自选 94.460 -3.390-3.46% 收盘价 03/03 16:00 (美东) 94.460 0.0000.00% 盘后17:05 (美东) 108.74亿总市值12.32市盈率TTM 99.190最高价94.090最低价105.41万股成交量98.510今开97.850昨收1.01亿成交额0.92%换手率12.32市盈率(静)1.15亿总股本113.53552周最高1.88市净率108...
伊士曼化工(EMN) 简介:伊士曼化工公司于1920年开始营业,目的是为Eastman Kodak Company的照相业务生产化学品,并于1993年12月31日成为一家上市公司,在特拉华州注册成立。该公司是一家全球性的特种材料公司,生产人们每天使用的物品中发现的范围广泛的产品。该公司拥有36个制造设施,并在12个国家的两家制造合资企业中拥有股...
NYSE:EMN实时 16:00:02 今开:89.68 昨收:91.08 今日区间:89.67-91.67 52周区间:80.71-114.50 成交量:113.33万 成交额:10314.26万 市值:104.83亿 市盈率:11.74 贝塔系数: 每股收益:7.7673 盘后91.710.550.60%成交量21.6万2025-03-17 18:39...
EMN Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced +15.18% Eastman Chemical Company price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Eastman Chemical Company price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has...
Events arrow_drop_down Adjustments Splits & Divs arrow_drop_down Scale arrow_drop_down Type Line arrow_drop_down Created with Highcharts 8.2.225. Nov2. Dec9. Dec16. Dec23. Dec30. Dec6. Jan13. Jan20. Jan27. Jan3. Feb10. Feb17. Feb2. Dec16. Dec30. Dec13. Jan27. Jan10. ...
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'Dividend-growth stocks tend to be less volatile than the overall stock market,' the research firm notes. ALBBAXLAD Stock Investing News, Analysis and Tips Aug 10, 2023 5:10 PM EDT These 'dramatically underperforming' stocks set for growth: Morningstar Dividend stocks have lagged the overall ...
EMN Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced +7.09% Eastman Chemical Company price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Eastman Chemical Company price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has ...