“Most of my career,” says Emmylou Harris, “I’ve been a finder of songs, a gatherer of songs, so this showcases, in part, that side of what I do.” Her latest Nonesuch release, All I Intended to Be, its simple but evocative title borrowed from the lyr
“Most of my career,” says Emmylou Harris, “I’ve been a finder of songs, a gatherer of songs, so this showcases, in part, that side of what I do.” Her latest Nonesuch release, All I Intended to Be, its simple but evocative title borrowed from the lyr
性别: 女 出生日期: 1947年4月2日 出生地: 美国,阿拉巴马州,伯明翰 更多外文名: Snowracer IMDb编号: nm0004994 流派: 民谣/ 摇滚 / 乡村 / 流行 语言: 英语 职业: 音乐人 / 演员 关注 171人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 吉他兼歌手Emmylou Harris于1947年出生于美国阿拉巴马州,60年代晚期以民...
Emmylou Harris,美国乡村女歌手,嗓音清澈,情感表现力强,1970年代乡村摇滚音乐的领军人物之一,被誉为“乡村摇滚女王”,曾获第44届格莱美乡村歌手奖。她的歌曲融合民谣、乡村和摇滚风格。她曾与Dire Straits乐队的吉他手Mark Knopfler 合作,共同创作了很多脍炙人口的歌曲。推荐歌曲:I Dug up a Diamond, Love and ...
Emmylou Harris(中文名:爱美萝·哈里斯),1947年出生于美国阿拉巴马州,是一位出色的歌手和音乐家。Emmylou Harris天生一副唱乡村音乐的绝美嗓音,对情感有着极佳的感受与控制。Emmylou Harris对唱时颤抖高亢微浓的鼻音,兼具高雅及草根性,极具特色,堪称一绝,她的歌声一出就好像整首歌曲突然亮了起来。Emmylou Harris有个...
Emmylou Harris, American singer and songwriter who ranged effortlessly among folk, pop, rock, and country music styles, adding old-time sensibilities to popular music and sophistication to country music, and established herself as ‘the queen of country