也是最最伟大的一位,Emmy Noether(埃米.诺特).她对20世纪的数学的影响无以伦比,提到抽象代数就不得...
Noether’s theorem Noether’s eponymous theorem was inspired by Albert Einstein’s work on relativity in the early years of the 20th century,culminating in his general theory of relativity in 1915. It formalised an idea that was implicit but unstated in the general theory of relativity and many...
Related to Emmy Noether theorem:Noether current,Noether charge Noe·ther's theorem (nŭ′tərs, nœ′-) n. The theorem stating that any differentiable symmetry is associated with a conservation law. For example, rotational symmetry implies the conservation of angular momentum. ...
Emmy Noether is described as the most important female mathematician, but she also made a profound contribution to theoretical physics. Her theorem on the fundamental relationship between symmetry and conservation principles is extremely simple: For any property of a physical system that is symmetric...
Related to Emmy Noether's theorem:Noether charge,Noether current Noe·ther's theorem (nŭ′tərs, nœ′-) n. The theorem stating that any differentiable symmetry is associated with a conservation law. For example, rotational symmetry implies the conservation of angular momentum. ...
也是最最伟大的一位,Emmy Noether(埃米.诺特).她对20世纪的数学的影响无以伦比,提到抽象代数就不得...
Today Noether's principal theorem occupies a prominent place in theoretical physics, though for a long time its significance was largely overlooked. Even now, relatively few physicists realize that Emmy Noether's original paper from 1918 contains two fundamental theorems. Moreover, both theorems are ...
1915 folgt Emmy Noether einem Ruf nach Göttingen, wirkt hier neben den Koryphäen ihres Fachs, doch ohne Gehalt und akademische Position - weil sie eine Frau ist. Mit dem bis heute gültigen Noether-Theorem revolutioniert sie das mathematische Denken in der Physik, wird dann zur Pionierin...
In all events, bringing her to Göttingen turned out to be an incredibly good idea. Almost immediately upon her arrival, Noether derived what's become known as Noether's 1st Theorem and by 1918 had cleaned it up enough for public consumption. And this is where we pick up the physics par...
Noether often sent postcards to her collaborator Ernst Fischer, filled with her ideas about abstract algebra. Noether's Theorem Immigration to America Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher Start...