海外直播平台Twitch联合创始人Emmett Shear宣布卸任CEO一职,Twitch现任总裁Dan Clancy将接替他的职位,未来Emmett Shear将以顾问的身份继续在Twitch工作。 据悉,Emmett Shear离职与其孩子出生有关。在离职公告中,Emmett Shear表示,我的第一个孩子刚刚出生,我一直在思考我在 Twitch 的未来。我常常觉得 Twitch 就像一个我一...
Emmett Shear's first move as OpenAI's third CEO in three days has been damage control as 95% of the AI juggernaut's employees have threatened to leave the company. See Also: The Essential Endpoint Security Buyer's Guide"It's clear that the process and communications around Sam [Altman's...
Emmett Shear's first move as OpenAI's third CEO in three days has been damage control as 95% of the AI juggernaut's employees have threatened to leave the company. See Also: Capturing the cybersecurity dividend"It's clear that the process and communications around Sam [Altman's] remo...
Emmett Shear's first move as OpenAI's third CEO in three days has been damage control as 95% of the AI juggernaut's employees have threatened to leave the company. See Also: The Essential Endpoint Security Buyer's Guide"It's clear that the process and communications around Sam [Altman's...
Shear is best known for his role as the former chief executive of the video game streaming platform Twitch. November 21, 2023 Additional Live Streams Live ABC News Live Live Big heat for the West this week; tracking record-breaking temperatures ...
在去年底 OpenAI 那场突如其来的混乱 72 小时后,临时 CEO Emmett Shear 表示“我很高兴成为解决方案(Sam Altman 回归担任CEO)的一部分。” 我开始对 Emmett Shear 产生了兴趣,他创办了直播产品 Justin.tv,将其重塑为 Twitch 并担任 CEO 长达十年时间。对社区、产品设计、运营管理,以及人工智能领域都有令人启发...
知情人士表示,在与上周五解雇他的董事会、其他高管和顶级投资者进行了一个周末的谈判后,Sam Altman将不会回到OpenAI。Sutskever还表示,视频流媒体网站Twitch联合创始人Emmett Shear将接任临时首席执行官。 这一决定可能会加剧一场由董事会上周五突然罢免前CEO Sam Altman和前总裁Greg Brockman的职务引发的危机。在...
Twitch 首席执行官 Emmett Shear 宣布辞职 品玩3月17日讯,据 TechCrunch 报道,Twitch 的首席执行官 Emmett Shear 将从公司离职。 Emmett Shear 是 Twitch 的创始人之一,已经在 Twitch工作16年。Twitch总裁Dan Clancy 将会担任公司首席执行官一职,而Shear 将继续担任顾问。
OpenAI 突然解雇了长期担任首席执行官的山姆·奥尔特曼 (Sam Altman) 三天后,宣布任命新任首席执行官埃米特·谢尔 (Emmett Shear),他是视频流平台 Twitch 的联合创始人 。 币界网报道: 作者:Savannah Fortis,Cointelegraph;编译;松雪, 微软支持的人工智能(AI)公司 OpenAI 在其董事会突然被罢免后,周末领导层发生了重...
Microsoft, which has invested more than $10 billion in the ChatGPT creator, did not respond to Fortune’s questions about Shear’s past tweets. However, the company has publicly doubled down on its commitment to OpenAI in the wake of the chaos at the AI startup. “We remain commit...