Have you ever asked that question? This playlist is the answer! It is an ongoing list of songs we have done at Emmanuel as a congregation and for special music!
Joshua and the ministry of The SCOAN to do not only in his own personal life but also in Nigeria. He concluded by saying that he has heard the rumors that Prophet T.B. Joshua was planning to relocate and cried out to the Man of God that he shouldn’t relocate because the people ...
“The sole purpose of this email to you is to let you know how much we have been blessed by your amazing ministry/website. ‘We’ is my wife and I, in our early forties, 3 kids, professing, churchgoing, bible believing Christians in The Netherlands. Since two months,...
While LFI officialDanièle Obono criticised the “global security” bill for potentially encouraging “self-censorship” in France, Hervé Saulignac for the PS commented: “There are red lines that should not be crossed. Even [former conservative President Nicolas] Sarkozy never went t...
Chabrier’s music, frequently based on irregular rhythmic patterns or on rapidly repeated figures derived from thebourrée(a dance of his native Auvergne), was inspired by broad humour and a sense ofcaricature. His melodic gifts were honed by performances of popular songs in Paris cafés-concerts...
Le Royaume [English Translation: The Kingdom] is one of the French author Emmanuel Carrère’s most successful works. The main question posed by this book is this: how can normal, intelligent people believe in something as absurd as the Christian religio