Being Baxtersis really the story of what it means to be who God’s called you to be. And it’s just been great that the kids that we’ve been talking to about the book are really resonating with the idea that you have one set of fingerprints and n...
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is w...
“security, stability and prosperity”Fun fact, Israel is completely onboard with Macron’s vision. It’s starting to look like Jupiter has come down among us. “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself,and magnify himself above every god, ...
god with us he dwells in us emmanuel the son of god emmanuel we call you king i call you king i call you king we call you king emmanuel no one like you lord you reign on high no one like you you rule no one like you nobody lord you reign on high lord you reign no one like...
Nobody like our king immanuel Hey great and mighty is our god immanuel I don't know if you know him Oh he will say me Oh let me in let me in There's no god like our god Oh praises to you lord Strong and mighty is my lord Oh your god with us god with us Hey you wonderful...
TE: With experience. I know what works and all my instincts tell me what to play next. That’s why God gave us instincts. We’re supposed to use them. LD: As agile and impressive as your live playing is, you are also an incredible entertainer and presence on the stage – one that...