自制视频,AI 识别字幕,存在一定的识别错误,仅供参考 播客:《anything goes with emma chamberlain》收听:Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Snipd 等 1022-“I don't chase, I attract" 宝藏女孩 Emma Chamberlain,纽约时报称她为 “YouTube上最有趣的人”, 《时代》将她列入2019年25位最具网络影响力...
自制视频,AI 识别字幕,存在一定的识别错误,仅供参考播客:《anything goes with emma chamberlain》收听:Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Snipd 等1005-comparison宝藏女孩 Emma Chamberlain,纽约时报称她为 “YouTube上最有趣的人”, 《时代》将她列入201
自制视频,AI 识别字幕,存在一定的识别错误,仅供参考播客:《anything goes with emma chamberlain》收听:Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Snipd 等20231029-fashion identity crisis 时尚认同危机宝藏女孩 Emma Chamberlain,纽约时报称她为 “YouTube上最有
Emma Chamberlain在Vogue节目中展示烘焙和调酒技能。她制作了杏仁金融家和意式马提尼。在烘焙过程中,她分享了材料和步骤,并展现了自己的风格。同时,她也展示了调制意式马提尼的过程,使用Chamberlain Coffee等材料。她的自信和幽默感贯穿始终,与观众分享了对食物和时尚的热爱。整个过程充满了创意和乐趣,为观众带来了愉悦...
Chamberlain quickly gained popularity after starting her YouTube channel in 2017, setting herself apart through relatable videos of her daily life — shopping, drinking coffee, baking and driving around in her car. Her channel feels intimate in this way, and she frequently discusses often confidentia...
凭借关于日常、旅游、DIY等平易近人的YouTube短片内容,并配上趣味搞怪表情的生动演绎,使她俘获了众多网民和时尚品牌的欢心,Louis Vuitton也为她抛出了橄榄枝,她变成了时尚届的新宠儿。她就是出生于2001年5月22日的Emma Chamberlain。Emma Chamberlain是独生女,父母在她五岁时就离婚了。她的家境并不富裕,甚至...
Emma Chamberlain, the 19-year-old podcaster, YouTuber, and caffeine-enthusiast, is inquisitive by nature. With the launch of five new blends of Chamberlain Coffee, I had asked the budding entrepreneur who her favorite person to get a cup of coffee with would be. Per her follow-up question...
Emma Chamberlain is one of the most famous YouTubers in the world today. The 18-year-old social media content creator rose to fame in 2018, and she currently has8.78 subscribers on her self-titled YouTube channelandnine million followers on Instagram. Some content creators have been in the...
就是这个草根出身的Emma Chamberlain凭借自己活泼调皮的风格和内容生产的实力,在做博主的过程中不但慢慢走出了抑郁症的阴霾,还成为了千万级网红,获得了众多粉丝的喜爱。 Emma Chamberlain在YouTube上发布的每一个视频作品,都记录和见证了这个二十几岁女孩儿的成长。
Emma Chamberlain在YouTube上发布的每一个视频作品,都记录和见证了这个二十几岁女孩儿的成长。 难能可贵的是,面对巨大的人气红利,Emma并没有迷失自我——依然坚持着自己最初的风格,真实不做作,认真做好每一件事的同时,还在挖掘自己的更多可能性。 Emma身上所呈现出来的特质,实际上也代表了很大一部分Z世代群体:他们...