Effects of the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus vulnus and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on the growth of EMLA-26 apple rootstock[J] . Jorge Pinochet,Amelia Camprubi,Cinta Calvet.Mycorrhiza . 1993 (2)Pinochet, J, Camprubí, A, Calvet, C (1993) Effects of the root-lesion nematode...
CG.4814, CG.7707, G.30, and Supporter 4 versus M.26 EMLA and M.7 EMLA in the 1999 NC-140 Semidwarf Apple Rootstock Trial 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 25 作者: W Autio 摘要: Berkeley Electronic Press Selected Works 关键词: crop production, variety trials, dwarf cultivars...
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of different mode of titanium (Ti) fertilization on growth and nutrition by M.26 EMLA apple rootstock (Malus spp.) grown in three soils with diverse physical and chemical properties. Soils were taken from Warszawa, Grojec and Brzezna ...
1999 NC-140 Dwarf Apple Rootstock Trial: New CG rootstocks, G.16, and Supporter 1, 2, and 3 versus M.9 (T337) and M.26 EMLAAppleRootstocksMassachusettsReplicationsBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksFruit NotesWesley AutioJon Clement
1999 NC‐140 Semidwarf Apple Rootstock Trail: CG.4814, CG.7707, G.30, and Supporter 4 versus M.26 EMLA and M.7 EMLARootstockUnited StatesBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksFruit NotesWesley Autio