冷冻油(Refrigerant Oil) 用于制冷压缩机内各运动部件润滑的油称为冷冻油。在压缩机中,冷冻油主要起润滑、密封、降温及能量调节等功能。 在压缩机中,冷冻油主要起润滑、密封、降温以及能量调节四个作用。 (1)润滑 冷冻油在压缩机运转中起润滑作用,以减少压缩机运行摩擦和磨损程度,从而延长压缩机的使用寿命。
Nu-Calgon Emkarate 冷冻油产品简介说明书 Description The Emkarate family of lubricants is a wide range of polyol ester refrigeration oil products. They are designed specifically for use with HFC refrigerants, now HFC/HFO blends, HFO, hydrocarbon and CO2 refrigerants developed to meet the performance ...
Castrol refrigeration oil »ICEMATIC SW32 »ICEMATIC SW46 »ICEMATIC SW68 »ICEMATIC SW100 »ICEMATIC SW220 友情链接 »制冷剂 有利凯玛RL32H冷冻机油 UNIQEMA Emkarate RL32H 包装:5升/罐,4罐/箱(5L)。 有利凯玛RL32H冷冻机油 UNIQEMA Emkarate RL32H ...
克鲁勃KLUBER KLUBEROIL 4 UH 1-460 N 润滑油 特灵,约克,开利润滑油S K L C 7#,22#,31#,48#润滑油 广东威斯达尔00#润滑脂 海天注塑机0# 00# 关节润滑油 马可会员 上海坪尧贸易有限公司 身份验证: 注册资本:50万元 企业类型: 公司地区:上海市徐汇区上海市徐汇区漕溪路250号银海大楼A1207 ...
旗下的子公司——嘉实多(Castrol)公司的“Icematic”系列冷冻机油业务。 (2006 年9 月) 嘉实多Castrol TM —Icematic ® 系列冷冻机油 Icematic 266,299 冷冻机油 Icematic HC 冷冻机油 Icematic ZL 冷冻机油 Icematic SW冷冻机油 更多详细资料:http://.refrigerationoil 我们决意为制冷产业贡献更多优质冷冻材料。
Type: Compressor Oil Viscosity at 40ºC: 222 Start Order Request Contact Supplier Chat Shipping & Policy Shipping Cost: Contact the supplier about freight and estimated delivery time. Payment Methods: Support payments in USD Secure payments: Every payment you make on Made-in-Chi...
出光冷冻机油 DAPHNE HERMETIC OIL FVC68D分装FV50S FV32S... 北京北极人制冷科技有限公司第3年上海市嘉定区 主营产品:冷冻机油润滑油POE冷冻油润滑剂 公司简介:北京北极人制冷科技有限公司是冷冻机油、润滑油、POE冷冻油、润滑剂等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。北京北极人制冷科技有限公司的诚...
g n i t a c o r p i c e R LOCKHEED MARTIN Oil can be used to service Lockheed owned compressors RL 68H McQUAY (J&E Hall)H 23 L R l a g u f i r t n e C H 022 & H 001 ,B H 86 ,H 86 L R w e r c S PRESTCOLD F A M 3-23 L R g n i t a c o r ...
ArChine Refrite ARCHINE China, Group of naphthenic oils for freezer compressors which use freon, ammoniac or carbon dioxide. They also possess excellent lubrication properties when used on industrial
Every compressor system design requires careful consideration to the type of lubricant used to mix with the refrigerant being utilized. In systems where HFC refrigerants are used, traditional mineral oil lubricants are not compatible. The Emkarate® RL series of lubricants are specifically formulated ...