What would be the implications is we could suddenly produce as much hydrogen as we could use, at a cost per unit of energy comparable to oil? A major worry is that even considering that question might lead to a stalling of current efforts to decarbonise using existing technology. However,...
For most manufacturers who make more than 1 product per year, investing only $1k in pre-compliance test equipment doesn't make much financial sense. A failure can cost you as much in re-testing costs, not to mention the delay to market. ...
ER more effectively promotes MCE reduction near provincial boundaries. Within 1000 km, provinces are strongly driven by the radiation of regional environmental governance. With the increase of space distance, the cost of regional collaboration governance increases...
Overall, we believe this method of combining PEEs with observations (including short-term, low-cost sensor measurements) is widely applicable in providing timely updates of emission estimates by source sector for regions undergoing rapid changes and testing the effectiveness of the implemented emission ...
Vehicle Fuel Economy Testing was given to the USEPA on December 31, 1971. In 1972, The USEPA announced that all gasoline stations must carry “nonleaded” gasoline, but would delay setting standards until 1973. 1973 was the first year in which the catalytic converter was used to control ...
the revelations keep emerging. Today’s big story is that petrol cars are now implicated, and CO2 claims – far more important to us than the NOx levels that this scandal has so far revolved around – have also been ‘set too low’ during official testing. This means everyday runnin...
examining the influence of the DTA on ACEs in major grain-producing areas is crucial for enhancing the quality and efficiency of food production and supporting the attainment of “dual carbon” objectives in agriculture. Table9presents the results of subsample testing conducted on the abovementioned ...
We recommend testing the best fit of linear and non-linear models for the measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) during the day, where convex-downward curvatures are common. Evaluation of our own data, calculated with the linear model, showed that NEE during daytime can be more than 50...
Respir Med 101:1155–1162 Mosleh M, Blau PJ, Dumitrescu D (2004) Characteristics and morphol- ogy of wear particles from laboratory testing of disc brake materials. Wear 256:1128–1134 NAEI (2012) Road transport emission factors from 2010 NAEI. Available at http://naei.defra.gov.uk/data...
Technical Note: Cost-efficient approaches to measure carbon dioxide (2015). (CO2) fluxes and concentrations in terrestrial and aquatic environments using mini loggers. Biogeosciences 12, 3849–3859 54. McAuliffe, C. G.C. determination of solutes by multiple phase equilibration. Chem. Tech. 1, ...