filters at a testing facility (Fabric Filter Development Test Facility in Colorado) that showed no signs of failure. Activated Coke Process This process provides simultaneous removal of NOx, SO2, and Hg and consists of the following three steps: (1) adsorp- tion, (2) desorption, and (3) ...
46 Additionally, although the precise locational origin of wildfires may vary, the long-range smoke from wildfires frequently impacts the same downwind locations, resulting in wildfire smoke becoming a more long-term presence; many US cities now experience more than 30 days affected by smoke each ...
Model 1 steady injection log G Model 1 steady injection log G 4° Photons are accelerated at the shock β=-2.5 α=-1 However Numerical diffusion smears out the sharp shock structure Efficiency of acceleration is artificially decreased Model 2 Precession (tpre=2s θpre = 3°) log G Model 2...
Fig. 7. AE event source locations. 3.2. AE event source mechanisms Of the 5468 locatable six-sensor or greater AE events, 4524 passed a filtering algorithm, which only selects those with distinguishable and high signal-to-noise ratio first arrival characteristics. Table 3 displays the results ...
D. Vaucher De La CroixT. Klaas5th International conference on wind turbine noise 2013: Denver, Colorado, USA, 28-30 August 2013
region. Monthly gridded emissions with a horizontal resolution of 0.25 × 0.25 degrees are provided for domestic sources, road transport, industry and other sectors. Atmospheric emissions are spatially disaggregated using population data, large point source locations, land cover data and road networks ...
In order to avoid duplicated calculations of Terra/Aqua fire emissions, we combined Terra/Aqua fire distributions from the same dates and locations. Freeborn and Wooster et al. (2014) stated that since the MODIS sensor is the same on Aqua and Terra, results are very similar for the inversion...
Finally, preliminary testing (25–26 May 2017) and a blind test (24–28 July 2017) were conducted at the Methane Emissions Technology Evaluation Center (METEC) near Fort Collins, Colorado. Wind measurements were obtained with a Gill WindSonic 2D sonic anemometer mounted on the ground at a ...