Noun1.emissary vein- one of several connecting veins in the scalp and head that drain blood from sinuses in the dura mater to veins outside the skull vena emissaria vein,vena,venous blood vessel- a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart; "all veins except the...
Emissary veins, Skull vascular foraminaSkull vascular depressionsParietal foraminaOccipital foraminaDiploic veinsVenous lakesEmissary veins are channels of communication between the venous sinuses of the dura mater and the veins of the diploe and scalp. The skull base is the most common site of these ...
(Physiology) (of veins) draining blood from sinuses in the dura mater to veins outside the skull [C17: from Latinēmissāriusemissary, spy, fromēmittereto send out; see emit] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998...
Anatomy. Sending or coming out, as certain veins that pass through the skull and connect the venous sinuses inside with the veins outside.Built from the ground up, Walrus Audio has developed a new 2-i…read more Price$139 + $399 Shipping Add to Cart Make an Offer WatchView Full Listing...
EMISSARY. One who is sent from one power or government into another nation for the purpose of spreading false rumors and to cause alarm. He differs from a spy. (q.v.) A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. ...
The meaning of PARIETAL EMISSARY VEIN is a vein that passes from the superior sagittal sinus inside the skull through a foramen in the parietal bone to connect with veins of the scalp.
an agent or messenger sent on a mission, esp one who represents a government or head of state (as modifier):an emissary delegation an agent sent on a secret mission, as a spy adjective (of veins) draining blood from sinuses in the dura mater to veins outside the skull ...
phr. 导静脉,导血管 英语解释 one of several connecting veins in the scalp and head that drain blood from sinuses in the dura mater to veins outside the skull 相似短语 emissary veinphr. 导静脉,导血管 mastoid emissary vein乳突导静脉 emissary veins异静脉 ...
英英释义 one of several connecting veins in the scalp and head that drain blood from sinuses in the dura mater to veins outside the skull 访问沪江小D查看emissary vein的更多详细解释>相关短语 Queckenstedt's sign (颈静脉征) 奎肯斯提特氏征 Queckenstedt's test (颈静脉征) 奎肯斯提特氏试验 Santorini...
Symptomatic venous sinus thrombosis following bone wax application to emissary veins. Br J Neurosurg 2008;22(6):798-800Symptomatic venous sinus thrombosis following bone wax application to emissary veins.Br - Crocker, Nesbitt, et al.Crocker M, Nesbitt A, Rich P, Bell B. Symptomatic venous sinus...