Emirates NBD gains 42 percent better performance and 20 percent lower software licensing costs with HPE servers powered by AMD EPYC™ CPUs.
Emirates NBD Click on the large image to open and download raster format (png or jpg). Click on the file icon to download vector format.
Emirates NBD logo / Image credit: emiratesnbd.com List of Emirates NBD ATM Machine Locations in Dubai Check out the info below for a list of ATM machines available in Dubai. In case you need to withdraw money with your Emirates NBD card, then you can search for the available machines avai...
vice president di Cloud Platforms presso Emirates NBD. "Prima sarebbero stati necessari 6 mesi, forse anche un anno". La nuova piattaforma è una base solida e flessibile per il cloud privato di oggi e una garanzia per il cloud ibrido di domani. La banca ora è più competitiva rispetto ...
班加罗尔2016年10月20日电 /美通社/ -- Emirates NBD与印度工业信贷投资银行分别成为阿联酋和印度首家推出国际汇兑和贸易金融试点区块链网络的银行 印孚瑟斯(Infosys) ...
Logo © 2024 Euromoney Emirates Islamic Bankwins the UAE's most innovative Islamic bank award this year. It launched a range of innovative products and services across several business segments. The bank launched the EI+ mobile banking application, featuring ...
(NYSE: INFY), Emirates NBD, the leading banking group inMiddle Eastand ICICI Bank Limited,India'slargest private sector bank by consolidated assets, today announced the pilot launch of blockchain network for international remittances and trade finance. Both...
Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Emirates NBD, a leading banking group in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has built a distributed private cloud platform with Red Hat’s hybrid cloud a
vice-président des plateformes cloud chez Emirates NBD. « Auparavant, un tel projet aurait duré 6 mois, voire un an. » La nouvelle plateforme a établi une base à la fois flexible et stable pour le cloud privé d'aujourd'hui et le cloud hybride de demain. La banque est ainsi...