Maternity Care Ancestry Testing Insurance Partners Hospitality Services At RAK Hospital, we take great pride in creating a unique and personalized hospitality environment. Our array of services, including gourmet dining experiences, valet parking, concierge services, on-demand entertainment, complimenta...
Pregnancy outcomeTitle: Outcome of multiple cesarean sections in a tertiary maternity hospital in the United Arab Emirates. Objective: To describe the operative outcomes, clinical findings, maternal morbidity and neonatal outcome associated with increasing numbers of cesarean deliveries. Design: Retrospective...
women with past CS delivery had a greater preference for CS, and this can be explained by the fact that a CS may help women plan their maternity leave, and allow them to have a more organized delivery plan. Another explanation may be related to the lack of past complications experienced in...
The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees of the United Arab Emirates University (ERH-2017-5512), Al Ain Hospital (AAHEC-03-17-058), and Tawam Hospital (IRR–494), and was in complete agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants provided written informed consent...