Discover the vibrant lifestyle of Dubai and learn more about the healthcare, culture, education and history of one of the most desirable places to live and work. Discover the vibrant lifestyle of Dubai and learn more about the healthcare, culture, educat
Cabin Crew have a monthly roster and have approximately eight days off per month in Dubai. You are given a roster on the day of your graduation at the end of your training. Initially, you will fly as supernumerary so that your performance can be observed and feedback obtained in order to...
As well as flights to over 150 destinations, you can book travel to more than 300 other cities around the world through our partner airlines and on-the-ground travel partners. flydubai Enjoy convenient access to the flydubai network. Easily connect to flydubai destinations via the Emirates route...
Airlines Retail & Lifestyle HotelsYou might also want to check out About Emirates Skywards Please click here for more information.About Emirates Skywards Join the award-winning loyalty programme of Emirates and flydubai Earn Miles Please click here for more information.Earn Miles Find out the ...
Careers Opens an external link in a new tab Group companies Inflight advertising WeChat official account WeChat supportWeChat support Opens an external link in a new tab Facebook official page Facebook supportFacebook support Opens an external link in a new tab ...
Dubai Stopover Loyalty Log in to Emirates Skywards Join Emirates Skywards Our partners Business Rewards benefits Register your company Emirates Skywards Programme Rules FindoutthemanywaysyoucanboostyourMilesbalance UseyourMilesonflights,upgradeshotelstays,experiencesandmore...
When you check-in at the airport in Dubai, we send you a mobile boarding pass. You can open it from your email address or from a link in an SMS message. Use it throughout the airport displayed on your phone, just like a paper boarding pass. When you check-in online, you can also...
Help and support You can use this section to find the best way to contact us for the help you need. What do you need help with? Search Dubai Connect Cancel/Change Flight Manage Booking Refund request Travel health Baggage enquiries
Dubai International Financial Centre Authority:supporting the Commissioner of Data Protection Office in updating the framework governing extra-jurisdiction transfers of personal data, as well as in designing and drafting new regulations under the DIFC Data Protection Law governing the use of artificial inte...
As well as reward flights and upgrades on Emirates, you can spend your Miles with flydubai and our worldwide partners. Choose from flights with our partner airlines, luxury hotel stays, fun‑filled family days out, or even tickets to a wide range of sporting and cultural events across the...