too late for the other side 现在回头为时已晚 caught in a change 由于一次变故 25 to life 25岁时,即决定了一生 too late for the other side 现在回头为时已晚 caught in a change 由于一次变故 25 to life 25岁时,即决定了一生 yeah too late 耶,太晚了 i cant keep chasing em 我...
25 to life,字面上的意思是25影响到一生,或者是从25年到一生。是美国的俚语:意思是判刑25年以上,...
25 to life I feel like when I bend over backwards for you all you do is laugh Cause that ain't good enough you expect me to fold myself in half Til I snap Don't think I'm loyal All I do is rap I can not moonlight on the side ...
25 to life I feel like when I bend over backwards for you all you do is laugh Cause that ain't good enough you expect me to fold myself in half Til I snap Don't think I'm loyal All I do is rap I can not moonlight on the side ...
25 to life too late for the other side caught in a change 25 to life i feel like when i bend over backwards for you all you do is laugh cause that aint good enough you expect me to fold myself in half til i snap dont think im loyal ...
25岁时,即决定了一生too late for the other side现在回头为时已晚caught in a change由于一次变故25 to life25岁时,即决定了一生yeah too late耶,太晚了i cant keep chasing em我无法一直追逐它们takin’my life back我要重活一遍caught in a change由于一次变故25 to life25岁,即决定了一生i dont think ...
25 to life yeah too late i cant keep chasing em take my life i dont think she understands the sacrifices that i made maybe if this bitch had acted right i wouldve stayed but ive already wasted over half of my life i wouldve laid ...
小哥反应姆爷单曲=== Eminem - 25 To Life |普通上班族吉良吉影 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 635 0 17:31 App I WAS SLEEP! 🔥 _ Yelawolf & Eminem - BEST FRIEND _ #FlawdTV 416 0 14:55 App 漂亮妹妹反应阿姆新专辑单曲---Eminem Makes Me Cry! Temporary 1834 0 06:...
25 to life..我看了歌词,大概意思就是:参与NBA直播互动,全国手机发送短信到95001166每节比赛送出真品球衣,每场比赛还将抽出5位幸运观众获得球星战靴以及<第五频道>精美杂志一本