EM-indexEM′-indexExcess CitationDuring the last decade, several scientometrics as well as bibliometrics indices were proposed to quantify the scientific impact of individual. The h-index gives a breakthrough in scientific evaluation, but this index suffers with big hit problem, i.e., once a ...
织梦的autoindex和intemindex的区别 总结一句话就是 autoindex一般用在首页和内容页,而itemindex一般就用在频道页! 织梦dedecms模板制作时,我们需要每循环一次,变量加一,这是就需要使用到autoindex标签。代码写法如下: {dede:arclist titlelen='26' row='10'} <li><a title="[field:title function='htmlspecialch...
1.<%#strYear%>-<%#(Container.ItemIndex + 1).ToString("d5")%> 2.Console.Write(String.Format("{0:D5}-{1:D5}",num/10000,num%10000));
Second-generation EM index launched.The article reports on Standard & Poor's (S&P) CIVETS 60, a tradable index launched by S&P Indicies to track the second-generation emerging markets of South Africa, Turkey, Egypt, Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia....
UseCriar IndexadorouCriar ou Atualizar Indexadorou um método equivalente em um SDK do Azure. Veja a seguir um exemplo de definição de indexador. JSON {"name":"myindexer","description":null,"dataSourceName":"mydatasource","targetIndexName":"myindex","schedule": { },"parameters": ...
NEW YORK, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Global equity indexes provider MSCI announced Tuesday that beginning in June 2018, it will include China A-shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index and the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index. ...
NEW YORK, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Global equity indexes provider MSCI announced Tuesday that beginning in June 2018, it will include China A-shares in the MSCI Emerging Markets (EM) Index and the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index) Index. ...
A股纳入MSCI指数体系中后,会在四个重要指数中:MSCI EMIndex,MSCI ACWI Index,MSCI Asia ex Japan Index,MSCI China Index;根据A股在上述各指数中的权重和追踪各指数的资金规模,可得到流入A股的增量资金规模。 在追踪MSCI的资金中,大约15%-20%为被动资金,在此我们假设为20%,则80%为主动资金;被动资金需按指数配...
Um mapeamento de campo de saída consiste em três partes.JSON Copiar "fieldMappings": [] "outputFieldMappings": [ { "sourceFieldName": "/document/path-to-a-node-in-an-enriched-document", "targetFieldName": "some-search-field-in-an-index", "mappingFunction": null } ], ...