emimino.cz Emimino.cz is a vibrant online community designed for parents and parents-to-be, offering a wealth of information and support on various topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing. Users can find expert advice, personal stories, and practical tips from fellow parents,...
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看过日本插画师 Emimino 的绘画作品,仿佛置身于梦境中,每一幅画都给人安静的感觉。 Emimino 的用色很是清淡,轻飘飘的就像云朵飘浮在空中一般。虽有一种朦胧美,但细节刻画严谨深入……
α〢minoadipate δ﹕emialdehyde synthase mRNA knockdown reduces the lysine requirement of a murine hepatic cell linedoi:10.1096/fasebj.21.5.A162Beth M. ClevelandAaron S. KiessGeorge E. SeidelKenneth P. BlemingsThe FASEB Journal
ChemInform Abstract: NICKEL㎏OMPLEXE MIT O〢MINO〣ENZALDEHYDUND ON,N〥IMETHYL〢MINO)〣ENZALDEHYD㏕HIOSEMICARBAZONdoi:10.1002/chin.197136115A. V. ABLOVN. V. GERBELEUM. V. SHOPRONJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdChemischer Informationsdienst. Organische Chemie...
Structural Changes in Five〤oordinate Bromido‐bis(o﹊minobenzo﹕emiquinonato)iron(III) Complex: Spin〤rossover or Ligand㎝etal Antiferromagnetic Interactions?Spin-crossoverValence-tautomerismMetal complexesRedox-active ligandX-ray spectroscopySpinヽrossover metal complexes represent important building blocks...