Vestirsi come Emily in Paris sarà presto possibile grazie alla linea di abiti e accessori che la serie tv lancerà in collaborazione con un brand francese.
A Brand New 'Emily in Paris' Fashion Show Experience Is Hitting the Road TV Emily is about to go back to America. BySafeeyah Kazi Dec 17, 2024 Despite His Complaints, This 'Emily in Paris' Heartthrob Will Return in Season 5 TV
Netflix 大热剧集《Emily in Paris》(《艾蜜莉在巴黎》)第三季即将于12 月21 日开播,今次大家除了热烈讨论Emily 即将经历的多角恋之外,早前更有财务专家指出要像主角Emily 那般生活,以其月薪,每月起码欠债6000 美元。 因为Emily 作为一名市场策划员,每月大概只有3915 美元的月薪。除非你本身是大富豪,不然都颇难...
and now he wants to be the face of the brand. 他在二流香槟里找到了自我 He has found himself in a second-rate champagne. 你永远无法预测一个人的一生 You can never predict the course of a man's life. 这样好吗?这个周末和我一起去别♥墅♥ You know what? Come to the chatea...
第一季就造成超高討論度的《艾蜜莉在巴黎 Emily in Paris 》,近日推出第二季,無論是 Emily 令人顛覆三觀的感情線、還是閨蜜三姐妹的亮眼穿搭,全都在網路上掀起一番討論。《艾蜜莉在巴黎》第二季的服裝造型依然大膽玩色,讓人看得直呼過癮,又將帶動新一季的流行趨勢!尤
我在乎的是马切洛这个人 而不是一个需要拯救的品牌 I care about Marcello as a person, not as a brand that needs saving. 或许你可以两者兼顾 Well, maybe you can do both. 你又不是第一次 把公事和私事混在一起 It's not the first time you mix business with pleasure, 而且你其实很擅长这么...
'Emily in Paris' dropped first-look images of the its upcoming fourth season, featuring new wintertime looks for the characters of the Netflix series.
In celebration of one of Netflix’s most popular Parisian-inspired series, French aperitif brand, Maison Lillet, is hosting a pop-up this month, bound to give us even more French feels. Leading up to its season 4 return on August 15, Netflix's Emily in Paris is landing in New York ...
Emily in Paris star joins new Netflix rom-com First trailer for Emily in Paris star's new film Netflix confirms Emily in Paris season 5 Emily in Paris finale isn't meant to be the end Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“...
除了《Emily in Paris》中善良可愛的Emily,Lily Collins 另一個被人們熟知的身份是英國家喻戶曉的音樂家 Phillip Collins 的女兒。Phil Collins 是融合爵士團體 Brand X 與前衛搖滾團體 Genesis 的鼓手及主音歌手,曾獲得7次格林美獎,被譽為「英國鼓王」;而 Lily Collins 更是繼承了父親的音樂天賦,在出演《魔鏡·魔...