Emily Dickinson(艾米莉·狄金森)《Nature is what we see》《大自然就是我们所看到的》解析目录关于《大自然就是我们所看到的》的简要信息《大自然就是我们所看到的》原文与译文《Nature is what we see》原文《…
艾米莉·伊丽莎白·狄金森(Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, 1830~1886) 美国传奇的女诗人,深受加尔文派内视思...
Of last year's sundered tune. From some old fortress on the sun Baronial bees march,one by one, In murmuring platoon! The robins stand as thick to-day As flakes of snow stood yesterday, On fence and roof and twig. The orchis binds her feather on For her old lover,Don the Sun, Rev...
Emily Dickinson Poems "Nature" is what we see --by Emily Dickinson "Nature" is what we see -- The Hill -- the Afternoon -- Squirrel -- Eclipse -- the Bumble bee -- Nay -- Nature is Heaven -- Nature is what we hear -- The Bobolink -- the Sea -- Thunder -- the Cricket --...
Emily Dickinson Poems Nature -- the Gentlest Mother is,by Emily Dickinson Nature -- the Gentlest Mother is, Impatient of no Child -- The feeblest -- or the waywardest -- Her Admonition mild -- In Forest -- and the Hill -- By Traveller -- be heard --...
nature In her poems Dickinsons skepticism about the relationship 11、between man and nature is well-expressed. (1) On the one hand, she shared with her romantic and transcendental predecessors who believed that a mythical 神话 的, 虚构的 bond between man and nature existed, that nature ...
54、h kind and cruel, which was similar to Tennyson.On DeathShe wrote about nearly 600 poems on death. Her attitude toward immortality was contradictory. It is clear always that for Dickinson life and consciousness are inseparable. To be transmuted into grass or transcendentally made one with ...
Emily Dickinson (born in 1830) is one of America's most famous female poets, and wrote Snake in 1866. Snake A narrow fellow in the grass Occasionally rides; You may have met him, - did you not? His notice sudden is. The grass divides as with a comb, A spotted shaft is seen; An...
VIII.Look back on time with kindly eyes, He doubtless did his best; How softly sinks his trembling sun In human nature’s west!IX.A train went through a burial gate, A bird broke forth and sang, And trilled, and quivered, and shook his throat Till all the churchyard rang;...
nature, and the human spirit. Despite writing nearly 1,800 poems during her lifetime, only a handful were published during her lifetime. After her death, her sister discovered the extensive collection of poems that Dickinson had left behind, and they were published to critical acclaim. Today,...