This increase of emigration was not confined to the United Kingdom. It was European; and, indeed, our emigration statistics always include some proportion of emigrants from neighouring countries, who ship from British ports. But from the north of Europe—from Scandinavia and Germany—there has b...
Emigration Booms in China despite Economic Development Despite its fast developing economy, China has experienced a trend that more and more of its social elites are moving out of the country. Recent statistics released by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Coucil show that more ...
BEIRUT, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- A UN official on Thursday urged the Lebanese government to solve economic and social problems to prevent the youths from emigrating. "The Lebanese youths constitute an essential part of this society and it is the government's responsibility to solve economic issues a...
As the uneven economic development in China, massive migrant-workers traveled from the rural areas to urban centers to seek better employment opportunities and to improve their living conditions. By the end of 2017, the size of outgoing migrant-workers had reached 171.9 million nationwide, and the...
which isdifferentfromtheKoreanPeninsula,andhasbecomeamember ofthegreatfamilyofthe56ethnicgroupsinchina. AccordingtotheFifthChinacensusin2000,thepopulationof Koreannationalityis1million923thousandand842,andits populationisthe14amongthe56ethnicgroupsinchina.Mainly distributedinJilin,Heilongjiang,Liaoningandother ...