Editorial: building global science capacity in child psychology and psychiatry--between the etic and emic of cross-cultural enquiry. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2014;55(4): 301-3.Sonuga-Barke Editor in Chief.Editorial:Building global science capacity in child psychology and psychiatry-between the ...
跨文化交际lesson-3---culture--emic-vs.-eticppt课件 热度: EticandEmic [etik][i:mik] 非位学及位学的研究方法 冯艳春 IntroductionofEticandEmic 美国语言学家KennethPike因其巨大的学术成就蜚声语言学界、人类学界和哲学界.他把语言学中的音位的(phonemic)和语音的(phonetic)之间的区别类比到文化体系的研究...
Psychology definition for Emic-Etic Distinction in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
There are two types of approaches in qualitative research that falls within the realm of multicultural psychology. The first method is the etic approach‚ which studies a particular study subject from an external or outside point of view (Hall‚ 2010). An etic approach ...
This would also provide justification for an emic, rather than an etic, approach in cross-cultural psychology and point to the futility of searching for universal species-wide constructs. It may be hard to demonstrate factorial invariance in real-life data sets. The most realistic type of ...
(1999). Beyond the dilemma of cross-cultural psychology: Resolving the tension between etic and emic approaches. Culture & Psychology, 31(3), 131-153.Helfrich, H. (1999). Beyond the Dilemma of Cross-Cultural Psychology: Resolving the Tension between Etic and Emic Approaches. Culture & ...
Culture & PsychologyHelfrich, H.: Beyond the dilemma of cross-cultural psychology: Resolving the tension between etic and emic approaches. Culture Psychology, 131-153 (1999).Helfrich, H. 1999. Beyond the dilemma of cross-cultural psychology: Resolving the tension between etic and emic approaches....
Contributions of Mexican ethnopsychology to the resolution of the etic- emic dilemma in personality. J Cross-Cult Psychol. 1998; 29(1):114-8.Diaz-Loving, R. (1998) Contributions of Mexican ethnopsychology to the reso- lution of the ethic-emic dilemma in personality, Jnal. of Cross-...