湖南格雷柏电子科技有限公司供应SmartScan-350-EMI system-智能电磁干扰扫描测试系统供应产品,SmartScan-350/-550EMI电磁干扰智能扫描测试系统SmartScan-350/550EMI是一款专门设计的电磁干扰智能扫描系统API的近场扫描解决方案是使用350mm或550mm4轴机器手实现的,可以准确
EMI System is efficiently lead byMr. Eyal Mesika Founder, Owner & CEO. For office and residential security, our products includes Anti- Intruder systems(Alarm and Motion Detection Systems).Bullet Proof:Doors, Windows and Cars.Special Devices:Bug Detectors, Bugging and De-bugging services,, Hand...
作为一家科技公司,EMI为电子产业做出过不少贡献。1934年EMI就开发出史上第一套电视广播系统Marconi-EMI system,并提供给BBC使用。此后长期和BBC合作,开发出不少设备,并成为电视广播器械界龙头。EMI还在二战中为英军制造雷达,50年代做过电脑,70年代做过CT扫描仪。不过后来科技产业部分就卖出去了。 EMI在唱片产业的耕...
Ensuring Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits for Automotive Applications PCB Design Rules: Wiring and Crosstalk Will Cable Harness EMI Risk Autonomous Vehicle Safety? Find Out Before It’s Too Late with Ansys HFSS-EMA3D Datalink ...
• EMI-9KC Test System includes: EMI-9KC EMI Receiver built-in Attenuator (9K-1GHz), LISN Artificial Network Power, CDNE-M316 Coupling/Decoupling Network for Emission, Isolation Transformers and cables. • EMI-9KB Test System includes: EMI-9KB EMI Receiver (9K-300MHz), LISN Artificial ...
PSIM’s EMI Design Suite offers a total EMI system solution with greater efficiency and higher confidence. Equipped with design templates, automated EMI filter design, and the capacity to evaluate different “what if” scenarios and study the effect of parasitic inductances and capacitances, PSIM’...
5月15日,国际学术期刊Emerging Microbes & Infections在线发表了中国科学院上海免疫与感染研究所钟劲研究组的研究论文:A novel BSL-2 Lassa virus reverse genetics systemmodeling the complete viral life cycle。 拉沙病毒(Lassa virus, LASV)可感...
Fig.1 The equivalent circuit of the system 经以上假设后,可设图1中 可采用相量表示 由上述假设,交流负载不产生谐波,故只需考虑整流负载作用。在考虑整流负载的作用时,整流器可视作接于图2a所示的三相电源上。此时根据三相电路的对称性,很容易得到图2b所示等效电路。
An EMI-efficient system for mounting internal peripheral devices such as disk or tape drives inside a computer enclosure so that the drives may be removed and replaced easily. A drive bracket guide is mounted to a computer enclosure chassis, a peripheral device is mounted to a drive bracket, ...