IntPtr hullStorage, //The destination array (CvMat*) or memory storage (CvMemStorage*) that will store the convex hull. If it is array, it should be 1d and have the same number of elements as the input array/sequence. On output the header is modified so to truncate the array downto ...
15、算阵列元素的和S、Sc = sumI arr(I)cSVBackSubst进行奇异值回代(Performs a singular value back substitution.)SVDecompSVD分解,将矩阵A分解为对角矩阵和两个正交矩阵的乘积Swap(Mat, Mat)交换两个矩阵Swap(UMat, UMat)交换两个矩阵Trace返回矩阵对角线元素之和Transform对src数组的每个元素进行矩阵变换,并将...
CvArrToMat cvConvertScale cvCopy cvGetSpatialMoment cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment {x_order,y_order}是中心时刻 (Retrieves normalized central moment, which in case of image moments is defined as: eta_{x_order,y_order}=mu_{x_order,y_ order} / M00^{(y_order+x_order)/2+1}, where mu_{...
多通道数据每个通道会被单独处理 Sum 对每个通道计算阵列元素的和S、 Sc = sumI arr(I)c SVBackSubst 进行奇异值回代(Performs a singular value back substitution.) SVDecomp SVD分解,将矩阵A 分解为对角矩阵和两个正交矩阵的乘积 Swap(Mat, Mat) 交换两个矩阵 Swap(UMat, UMat) 交换两个矩阵 Trace 返回...
EmguCV类CvInvokeClass方法整理.doc,方法—相机标定 CalibrationMatrixValues 使用计算的相机校准矩阵,像素中的图像帧分辨率和物理孔径大小来计算各种有用的相机(传感器/透镜)特性 DrawChessboardCorners 棋盘格角点的绘制(摄像机标定) Find4QuadCornerSubpix 找到棋盘