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Spanish / Español Select a language: e·lec·tro·my·og·ra·phy n.electromiografía. 1. grabación de la actividad eléctrica generada en un músculo para uso de diagnóstico; 2. estudio de laboratorio sobre electrodiagnóstico que incluye no sólo la electromiografía sino también estudi...
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- Spain (project DPI2014-59049-R). MJ is supported by the grant for the recruitment of early-stage research staff (FI 2014) from the AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain. Jordanic et al. Journal ...
Siemens to sell solar technology to Spanish Rioglass Sep 18, 2013Picked for you Onshore Wind Ørsted orders 62 MW of Vestas turbines for wind project in Germany Mar 14, 2025 Solar Power Poland's Tauron completes 55-MW solar farm Mar 14, 2025 Orders SMA supplies technology for green hydroge...
All participants were informed about the procedures and possible adverse effects and signed the informed consent form to participate. Both EXPERIENCE and PEPATO experimental protocols were approved by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) on 22 June 2021. ...
This research has been funded by grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity and co-funded from FEDER, National Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation. Project RehabHand (Plataforma de bajo coste para rehabilitación del miembro superior basado en Realidad Virtual...
Case study Addressing the challenge of decarbonising aviation Spanish airline Iberia and its sister airline Vueling have committed to using 10% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in their aircraft by 2030 as part of their drive to achieve net zero by 2050....
† Handbook is currently available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. 54a QIAGEN News 2004 Issue 2 QIA-Hints RNA purification Why do I get strange peaks sometimes in Agilent bioanalyzer electro- pherograms? When analyzing RNA on the Agilent ...