Surface EMG signal alteratio- ns in Carpal Tunnel syndrome: a pilot study. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2008;103:233-42.A. Rainoldi, M. Gazzoni, and R. Casale, "Surface EMG signal alterations in Carpal Tunnel syndrome: A pilot study," European Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 103, pp. ...
Abnormal EMG results If your EMG results are abnormal, your doctor should be able to arrive at a diagnosis by looking at how your muscles react at rest or with activity. For example, if your EMG results are abnormal and your NCS results are normal, it may indicate a muscle condition such...
Poster 68: A Role for EMG in Carpal Tunnel Release Revision Surgery: A Case Reportdoi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2009.08.086RehabilitationElectromyographyCarpaltunnelsyndromeFagunaPatelandQiangG.FangandJohnM.VentrudoSDOSPm & R
I was sent for an EMG by my hand surgeon who questioned my previous EMG from another doctor, that showed carpal tunnel syndrome. After the surgery my symptoms were the same. Dr. Simovic did a very thorough test for over 40 min. He kept me engaged so it was not a big deal. He found...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A condition in which the median nerve traveling through the wrist is compressed or squeezed and often cause tingling sensation or numbness at the thumb, index and long fingers. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A condition in which the ulnar nerve is compressed at the elbow causin...
You may feel some soreness for a day or two following the test. There are no activity restrictions, and you can drive home afterwards. The tests are safe and can be performed in people with pacemakers or defibrillators.How do I get the test results?
Terminal Latency Index (TLI) and Residual Latency (RL) calculations to improve carpal tunnel evaluation. R-R interval workflow instructions and new results for all protocol steps, in compliance with the latest guidelines. Service and support Looking for neuro product service or technical support? Nat...
In summary, EMG & NCS is useful in the diagnosis of several conditions. Some of these include compressed nerves in the arms or legs (eg.Carpal Tunnel Syndromeor Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome),peripheral neuropathy(eg. Diabetic Neuropathy), and pinched nerves in the neck and back (radiculopathy). As...
Grip type had a significant effect for each of the muscles investigated. Posture had a significant effect on the activity of the ECR and ECU muscles. There was also a significant interaction effect by posture × grip type on the Conclusions Results from this study highlight the importance of ...
What do the results of an NCS/EMG show? Conditions that NCS/EMG are useful in helping diagnose include: Nerve disorders –this can be a local problem such as a trapped nerve (carpal tunnel at the wrist, ulnar nerve at the elbow, peroneal nerve at the knee), or a more generalized probl...