生物反馈(biofeedback)是借助精密的仪器工具,去探查和放大人体固有的生理变化过程所产生的各种信息,再通过显示系统,将此种信息转变为易为患者理解的信号或读数,并在医务人员的指导下进行训练,使病人学会通过自己的身体信号,有意识地控制体内各种生理、病理活动,从而促进机能恢复,达到治疗疾病的目的。 肌电生物反馈疗法是...
and to decreasing the excessive activity in one proximal agonist and in two distal muscle groups or to conventional physical therapy (n=9) for 2.5 months. 28名患者在一个接近和一个末端 (苦闷者)被分配接受EMG biofeedback n=9,被限制到增添减少的肌肉活动和到减少过份活动在一个接近苦闷者和在二个末...
The use of biofeedback is becoming increasingly valuable in the field of physical therapy. It has been proven effective in muscular reeducation and muscular relaxation. Audiovisual muscular reeducation techniques make use of electromyographic devices and amplify internal physiological processes in the body...
1.Ferrara A, De Jesus S, Gallagher JT, Williamson PR, Larach SW, Pappas D, Mills J, Sepulveda JA. Time-related decay of the benefits of biofeedback therapy.Tech Coloproctol. 2001;5:131-135.[PubMed][DOI] 2.McGrath ML, Mellon MW, Murphy L. Empirically supported treatments in pediatric ...
40 cases of knee joint injuriy have been treated for 7 weeks by means of MEG biofeedback therapy. In myoeleetrical biofeedback group (BF group ) myodenymia of extensor and flexor muscles was 218±29Nm and 122±14Nm, respectively and in noa-bio feedback training group(NF group) 194±34Nm...
The effectiveness of sEMG biofeedback has been demonstrated in prior studies, encompassing gait training [32, 33] and upper limb exercises, with notable advantages such as mitigating co-contraction patterns [34], achieving enhanced functional recovery outcomes compared to conventional therapy [35, 36]...
EMG biofeedbackdObjective: This study was carried out to compare Johnstone pressure splints and electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback in addition to neurodevelopmental therapy on activities of daily living, sensory perception and motor integration functions, functional hand activities, and muscle tone in ...
One of the most promising areas of application of electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is in rehabilitation of neuromuscular disorders. In this context EMG biofeedback training falls into a category which rehabilitative specialists call neuromuscular educ
Wheat Ridge, CO: Biofeedback Society of America. Google Scholar Rugh, J. D. (1977). Variability in commercial electromyographic biofeedback devices.Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 9 281–283. Google Scholar Soderberg, G. L. (1986).Kinesiology: Application to pathological motion. ...