EMG-biofeedback en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria y calidad de vida. Rehabilitacion. enero de 2014;48(1):17-24. Disponible en: http://ac.els- cdn.com.roble.unizar.es:9090/S0048712013001096/1-s2.0- S0048712013001096-main.pdf?_tid=b29cfd66-ea6c-11e4-a28b- 00000aacb361&...
Liu FY, Wu ZR. Effects of biofeedback training by EMG on patients with chronic functional constipation. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2004;12 (3):730-733 摘要 目的: 探讨慢性功能性便秘(CFC)患者肛直肠压力及肌电 (EMG)活动特点; 同时观察生物反馈训练系统对CFC患者 ...
Electromyographic biofeedback (EMG-BFB) is a technique that is believed to have additional benefit when used with standard physiotherapy for the recovery of motor function in stroke patients. However, evidence from individual trials and previous systematic reviews has been inconclusive. To assess the ...
Use of EMG Biofeedback to Assess Myofascial Pain SyndromeUse of EMG Biofeedback to Assess Myofascial Pain SyndromeAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00002508-199103000-00026HeadleyBarbara J.Clinical Journal of Pain...
Yu, “Multichannel audio aided dynamical perception for prosthetic hand biofeedback,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rehabilitation Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, 2009, pp. 240–245.. Google Scholar [89] Y. Tsubouchi and K. Suzuki, “BioTones: A wearable device for EMG auditory biofeedback,” in ...
Comparison of EMG Biofeedback and Johnstone Pressure Splints in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Turk Fizik Tip Rehabil Derg 2010;56:116-23. [Abstract] / [Full Text] / [PDF]Kitiş A, Kayihan H. Comparison of EMG biofeedback and johnstone pressure splints in children with hemiplegic...
One of the most promising areas of application of electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is in rehabilitation of neuromuscular disorders. In this context EMG biofeedback training falls into a category which rehabilitative specialists call neuromuscular education. Regardless of the condition being treated, neurom...
Intensives EMG-Biofeedback-Training verbessert die Motorik und reduziert die Synkinesien bei Patienten mit chronischer Fazialisparese 期刊名称: Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 作者: Rdiger, B,Halbmayr, JM,Altmann, Carolin S.,Geiler, K,Miltner, Eva M.,Mbius, H,Guntinas-Lichius, O,Volk, GF 内容由...
The controlgroups consisted of 52 healthy test persons(20 female/32 male [CG1]) whose age structure was equivalent to that of the patients group (52.7 years) and the contollgroup 2 (CG2) consisted 22 leftsided patients without biofeedbacktraining. The program was structured in one session to...
26.Wexner SD, Cheape JD, Jorge JM. Prospective Assessment of biofeedback for treatment of paradoxical puborectalis contraction.Dis Colon Rectum. 1992;35:145.[DOI] 27.黄 显凯, 张 胜本, 张 连阳. 特发性便秘197例临床分析.大肠肛门病外科杂志. 1998;4:69-71. ...