产品特性:EMF-823,路昌高斯计,台湾路昌Lutron,高斯计EMF823 产品简介:EMF-823 电磁波测试器│台湾路昌Lutron:测量范围:200mG x 0.1mG 2000mG x 1mG 20000mG x 10mG 深圳市新朗普电子科技有限公司 详细介绍: 分享该产品 转发到 EMF-823 电磁波测试器│台湾路昌Lutron * 测量范围:200mG x 0.1mG 2000mG ...
EMF TESTER ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD RADIATION TESTER Model : PCE-EMF823 Your purchase of this EMF TESTER marks a step forward for you into the field of precision measurement.Although this EMF TESTER is a complex and delicate instrument,its durable structure will allow many years of use if proper...
广州戈迪电子是台湾路昌LUTRON品牌一级代理商,销售的电磁场测试仪(高斯计)EMF-823有绝对的价格优势,欢迎来电或在线咨询电磁场测试仪(高斯计)EMF-823批发价格。 保障服务: 我们承诺电磁场测试仪(高斯计)EMF-823售出日起算保修一年,终身维护。 电磁场测试仪(高斯计)EMF-823详细参数 电磁...
EMF-823电磁波测试仪电磁场测试仪(高斯计)EMF823 详细说明 1.特性: EMF测试器用于可靠快速地测量电线,家电,工业设备所发出的电磁辐射。 3段宽量程20uTesla, 200uTesla, 2000uTesla, 2.应用: 用于检测电线,电脑显示器,电视机,视频设备、等装置所发出的电磁辐射。
1. 特性: EMF测试器用于可靠快速地测量电线,家电,工业设备所发出的电磁辐射。3段宽量程 20uTesla, 200...
We are proud to introduce our global student ambassadors, our on-campus advocate, who are living the experience right now, and can share that with prospective students considering studying at EMF program. The global student ambassadors can te...
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[MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format [MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format 1 Introduction 2 Structures 2 Structures 2.1 EMF Enumerations 2.1 EMF Enumerations 2.1.1 RecordType Enumeration 2.1.2 ArcDirection Enumeration 2.1.3 ArmStyle Enumeration 2.1.4 BackgroundMode Enumeration 2.1.5 ColorAdjustment Enum...