UDF Educationskills 被引量: 97发表: 2002年 User-Centred Systems Design - Designing Usable Interactive Systems in Practice (2006-04-17). http://www.diva-portal.org/diva/getDocument?urn_nbn_se_uu_diva-4273-1__fulltext.pdfGORANSSON, B. User-Centred Systems Design: ... Bengt Gransson 被引...
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Emerson: No Rest for the Individual From Coastline JournalAlthough a voracious reader, Emerson had breadth but not depth. A review of his choices shows a smattering of philosophy, religion and education. Because he was a tireless note-keeper, we know his thoughts on many seminal authors, and ...
The whole point of externally imposed education—education broadly defined, from schools, politicians, interest groups, and the media---is to fit men to their yoke, and to ensure that they never arrive at the conviction that envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide, and so on, and in the ...
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Thereisatimeineveryman'seducationwhenhearrivesattheconvictionthatenvyis ignorance;thatimitationissuicide;thathemusttakehimselfforbetterforworseashis portion;thatthoughthewideuniverseisfullofgood,nokernelofnourishingcorncan cometohimbutthroughhistoilbestowedonthatplotofgroundwhichisgiventohimto ...
This implies a restriction on the separation between photosystems I and II, in contrast to existing concepts.doi:10.1007/978-94-009-3527-3_17S.MalkinO.CanaaniM.HavauxS.MalkinO.CanaaniM.HavauxS.MalkinO.CanaaniM.HavauxSpringer NetherlandsMalkin S, Canaani O and Havaux M (1986a) Analysis...
They figured it was so different than the other cars I had been modifying that I would leave it alone and concentrate on college instead. Sorry, Mom! I think I stopped in and bought an IECO catalog on the way home! In the last 45 years, I have raced Corvairs in every type and ...