EMERSON艾默生CopelandScroll™ZPK5R-410ACompressorCrossReferenceGuide说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 Copeland Scroll™ ZPK5 R-410A Compressor Cross Reference Guide Copeland™ ZPK5 Single Phase Compressor Models ZPK5 Preferred ZPK5 Special Code Hz-Phase-Volts Tonnage ZPK3 ZPK...
A compressor includes a shell assembly, first and second scroll members and a capacity modulation assembly. The first and second scroll members form a series of pockets. A first mod
etc. With reference to FIG. 31, it is anticipated that the system10provides energy saving algorithms for each of the identified areas, including: the VSD compressor, optimum humidity control, optimum head pressure control, load management, defrost management, suction float and head pressure float....
A compressor may include a shell assembly, orbiting and non-orbiting scrolls, a bearing housing, a bushing, a damper, and a fastener. The bearing housing includes a first aperture.
3551191HERMETIC COMPRESSOR TERMINAL COATING1970-12-29Elbling et al.174/152GM 1546855Stationary induction apparatus1925-07-21Montsinger174/153R Foreign References: DE1092083B1960-11-03174/152GM DE1100126B1961-02-23174/152GM FR868638A1942-01-10174/152GM ...
5800137Refrigerating compressor with breakaway pulley portion1998-09-01Eitai et al.464/32X Primary Examiner: BINDA, GREGORY JOHN Attorney, Agent or Firm: QUARLES & BRADY LLP (MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, US) Claims: What is claimed is: 1.A rotating coupling assembly for connecting a driving unit to ...