爱默生学院Emerson College是一个专攻文化传媒的文理学院,除了电影,新闻、戏剧也是强项专业。学校位于波士顿...
Boston, MA Explore Map Do you work at Emerson College? Manage your school's public image and connection with students using U.S. News Student Connect.Claim your profile U.S. News Grad Compass See expanded profiles of nearly 1,800 schools. Unlock entering class stats including MCAT, GMAT ...
Emerson College Boston,United States When you come to Emerson, you become part of a creative force. You add your voice to a community of independent minds searching for new ways to learn, to share, to engage with the world—and to change it for the better. ...
From Emerson College Located in the heart of downtown Boston, Massachusetts, Emerson College is the United States' only four-year institution devoted exclusively to the study of communication and the arts. For over 130 years, Emerson has educated the most innovative and creative minds in our fiel...
Founded in 1880, Emerson College is a private, four-year, liberal arts college that is known for its strong programs in communication and the arts. It is located on a medium-sized campus in Boston, Massachusetts. Official website Visit website Application link Apply online Public/private Privat...
爱默生学院(Emerson College)所在的波士顿(Boston),是美国马萨诸塞州的首府和最大城市,也是新英格兰地区的最大城市。该市位于美国东北部大西洋沿岸, 创建于1630年,是美国最古老、最有文化价值的城市之一。波士顿是美国革命期间一些重要事件的发生地点,曾经是一个重要的航运港口和制造业中心。今天,该市是高等教育和医疗...
Emerson CollegeFeatures Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. Space; Area; Design team; Capacity; Completion; Building structure.American School & University
爱默生学院(Emerson College)是一所位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的私立大学,以其在人文艺术和传播领域的卓越表现而闻名。成立于1880年,爱默生学院的校训“思想、创造、行动”强调了学院对创新和实践的重视。学校致力于培养具有批判性思维能力和创造力的学生,特别是在戏剧、传媒、电影和公共关系等专业领域中,爱默生学院的课程...
爱默生学院 Emerson College,是一所Private学校,位于美国新英格兰的Boston,位列USNews | 2012年美国北部地区综合大学排名 No.#14 | 2012年B 等学习成绩的学生可选的A+类北部地区大学排名 No.#14 | 2010年美国大学毕业生负债最少的北部地区综合大学排名 No.--。爱默生学院